Chapter 4

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It was a beautiful day in Philly, or so I was told. When we arrived it was around eight in the morning. So of course I wasn't awake yet. We weren't staying in a hotel so I slept in until about eleven instead of hanging out before we had to go to the venue. As soon as the show was over tonight we had to get on the bus and go immediately to Detroit. That drive would take a while. Then when that show was over we would go immediately to Chicago, where we would be for four days. Two of those days the boys had to perform and the other two days were to catch up on sleep and for the boys to be tourists.

When I finally woke up, I immediately went to eat some breakfast. My choices were between yogurt and cinnamon toast crunch. I went with the cereal, duh. I don't pride myself on being healthy. After my first few bites of the cereal, I felt it coming back up. I was at the opposite side of the bus of the bathroom, so I flung the bus door open and puked outside. And conveniently, there were a ton of paparazzi out there. Niall hadn't left for the venue yet and while I was puking my guts out, he came and held my hair for me. It was sweet of him, but I couldn't imagine the rumors this would start with the inevitable pictures that were taken. All the other boys had already gone inside the theatre to get ready so I wasn't really sure why Niall was still here.

Finally, I stopped throwing up and Niall pulled me back inside. My mouth tasted absolutely disgusting.

"So I guess that's a no to a pre-performance snogging session..." Niall joked. I would have laughed if I wasn't trying to get puke taste out of my mouth.

"I don't understand why I just got sick. I felt fine two seconds ago. Now I feel like complete shit," I mumbled.

"So you probably don't want to come to the show tonight do you?...." he sounded disappointed.

"I'm sorry Niall. Not like this. I can't."

"Don't be sorry babe. I understand. I just feel bad that I have to leave you on this bus by yourself."

"It's fine. I have Internet and movies to keep me occupied. Do you guys have romance movies?"

"Not unless Harry has a secret stash somewhere. Which I wouldn't be surprised. I'll have someone go get you some movies. Any requests?"

"Anything with Rachel McAdams or Zach Effron will do."

"Alright love. I have to leave. Someone will bring you movies. And food if you want it. Just text me and let me know what you need," he said then kissed me on the forehead and left for his show.

***Niall's P.O.V.***

As soon as I got into the venue we were performing at, Liam and Louis both asked me where Haley was. I told them she got sick, then proceeded on my hunt to find an intern or something to go get Haley movies. I finally found a girl who looked about 20.

"Are you an intern for me?" I asked her.


"Could you be a doll and go pick up some romantic comedies at a movie store somewhere and take them back to the bus?"

"Sure Mr. Horan."

"First of all, call me Niall. Second, what's your cell number incase I need you to pick anything else up?"

I got the girls number and she went on her way. I was pretty worried about Haley. It was weird that she randomly got sick. And I was hoping she wouldn't be on twitter too much today. I knew it would just hurt her. As much as I love my fans, they can be so critical and hurtful, especially towards any girls we hang out with.

We did soundcheck and the group of girls who came to it were really cool. We did the meet and greet before the show today. A girl came up to me and asked if Haley was okay. I was about to reply when Zayn cut in.

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