I Don't Know how to.

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I can't tell who i am, I'm being strong.
I got hurt many times and i survived them all.

Isn't this world cruel but still i wanted to live for the future , and so, i decided to stay positive about everything in life.

My life was running smoothly by the time i decided to think positive, i didn't get to be bothered by small things anymore, sometimes i just ignore them .

Everyday same thing , doing seatworks, doing lectures, talking to my classmates,doing homeworks at home, and stressing over my grades.

I prefer things to be as it is, my parents expect highly of me.

During breaks i cool down with the squad, same things happen, leo,teichi,risha,gillian talking with me, it kinda keeps my cool down and so i don't have to bother starting the conversations since they always start first.

By the time i get home, Roino would talk to me online, he always talks to me first too so i didnt bother to start first, but when he starts ranting i couldn't handle him good.

I try to talk him out in starting to think positive about life , It seems he kept something inside that he didn't told me sooner enough, I love him so i didn't try to do anything that would hurt him knor offend him, What did i even do wrong ?

I told him off by saying that it's okay to erase me in his life but he held on to me again, i know he loves me too, but i still don't know how to love him without hurting him, I hold him dear, that's why i let him do as he pleases, i don't want to invade his private life.

Roino is hard to read.
You can't tell if his smile is fake or true.
You can't tell when he lies.
It looks so natural for him.

I don't know how to keep him.
I don't know how and what.

Let's just accept the fact that we get to hurt those who we love.
that it's normal.
i must stay positive about everything.

And so silver continued to act the way as it was.

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