The Cemetery Love Story

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Halloween Special Au!
Every year i wait for that certain days.
Every four days of it ,I visit the dead.

I don't like visiting the land of the dead, I see ghosts, not just see but i can also talk to them.

I visit my Ancestors in there for some certain reasons.
First of all they won't stop visiting me in my room, they always make fun of me by scaring me.
Second of all , They hide my things where i couldn't reach knor see them,
Third , They imitate my moms voice to annoy me.
And so they asked of me in return for never bugging me at my house again , i would visit them for four days in their grave.

And so here i am in their grave stones.

My ancestors would bug me on whether i already have someone special, and they would feel digusted of me if i said i'm still single.

" Oh for goodness sake ! Dear why won't you just hook up already , I DONT CARE IF IT'S A BOY OR NOT JUST GET A LIFE ALREADY" , they would yell at me.

I just smile at them and say "It's just that i'm not good at it, but surely it would come some day"

And at the same reply at every same conversation , they would let out a big sigh.

I stood onfront of their grave stones for an hour and i would walk around looking at the others , those who wishes for my presence walks with me, mostly the kids, i would feel sad about the fact they were only given a few years and days to live on earth with their loved ones , and so, i would hold their hands as if i'm their mother.

" You still wish to live in here even though it's much more safe up there.", i said in mind, but i know why they never left earth, They still yearn for the love and warmth of their living loved one's , it's just unfortunate that they can't see them.

I came back to my ancestors grave stones and they were fussing over me about a hot guy that came earlier.

"Ugh, Guys really?" , i face palmed.
"Dear, he would suit you nicely !, His ancestors are very good !" , one of them persued me.
"Yeah dearie now off you go to the back and see him " , they pushed me to the direction.

Now, here i am observing from afar about the man they were talking about, they were all giggling right behind me, and so for them i gathered the courage to come closer.

I observed that he seems to be a serious type, but i do agree he is good.

One of my ancestors got impatient and pushed me towards him, and so i fell on his side, luckily he catched me.

I froze up a little,stood up for myself, and i looked to the side and glared at my ancestors.

"What the banana", i initiated by eyes to my ancestors.

"I'm so sorry about that clumsiness is my sickness", i said to the guy with a little smile on my face and nervious speaking.

After i said that he observed me from head to toes and said

"Oh that's okay, Can i know your name?" , he softly smiled at me.

I noticed that his eyes were pretty ,especially when he added on his smile.

"Roino", i said looking away , staring at the view where my ancestors are giggling like crazy.

And so, we became friends, We visit each other's ancestors , praying for them and after that we would eat outside , these goes on for 3 years and so my ancestor came in to my room again asking how's my lovelife, but unfortunately as usual , thumbs down, and they would slam the door.

I'm not in a hurry and in fact our bond seem to got even stronger now.

The days of  the Dead

I came earlier than the time we usually meet up,and so i spoke to some of the spirits and they seem to be thumbs up about me dating "him" by means him ,Silver, the guy my ancestors like.

But not all of them likes it.
i walked at the back , a spirit came across me, it's a bad spirit , it killed itself for love, so i ran, but it got a hold of my foot , it's a good thing i keep a rosary with me and thus, they vanished.

My ancestors then limited my time at the cemetery.

Silver arrived a little while after the incident ,i pretended nothing happened,but it seems my ankle got hurt so bad and i was asked of silver to go home.

He carried me via piggy back ride , he didn't talk along the way, he was very mute , i took a peak at his ear and it was bright red, I think his blushing but why?.

My body started feeling hot ,my cheeks were getting hotter , am i blushing!?

Silver told me off by saying to take care of myself , and the next day...

I caught a fever.

It's the last day of me visiting the grave for the year, and now im stuck at home. I played all day long with internet games, went surfing online until 9 in the evening and a visitor arrived at my window.

"Silver?" , i opened the window for him, he was holding a bag of candies, And SECOND OF ALL HE WAS WEARING A FUR COAT AS A COSTUME OF HIMSELF , A WOLF.

I was like, Huwow candies but then im like Huwooow What are ya up to?

We sat at the bed watching online with the candies and i didnt notice the drinks he had been hiding.

and so midnight came, before he left he confessed to me , and at first i didn't believe him but then he is looking away at me as he started to get red , and as reply i kissed his cheek , " I love you too" , his face says it all that he was happy and couldn't believe it was mutual, i asked of him to go down now since some people are passing by, i waved him a good night and gave him a flying kiss.

Well now i could say, " It's all thanks to my ancestors"

We continued visiting the cemetery like the usual.

I caught a glimpse of the child spirit who liked me, onfront of him was his parents, and so he vanished ,I felt relieved now, he's finally up there, he can finally rest .
"As we walk life on earth, someone out there would hold our hand and walk with us ."

I always visit my ancestors , but mostly my great grandparents.

And i would always stumble upon a petite boy.
sometimes it creeps me out when i see him walking around.

but one time i followed him out of curiosity, he stood onfront of a gravestone , i guess he was reading it,then he cried, i was pretty sure he had no relations with it, and thus i took a peak right after he left.

"It was a young boy's gravestone, who lived for only 4 years."

knowing that he would cry for someone he had no relations of , i could say he is someone with a pure heart, and from that moment onwards he catches my interest.

These Stories are Our's to tell.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon