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AJ loved her pet dog Winnona almost as much as she loved Rainbow. Maybe Dash was a bit more....But anyway. When Rainbow came to move in to their new apartment together, Winnona got kinda... I don't know... Jealous.

One night, as the two teens cuddled together while sleeping, the brown collie snuck into the room by the open door. Winnona jumped up onto the bed and squirmed between the girls. This caused their hand to latch off of one another, and it also pushed them away.

If course, not feeling the warmth between one another, they awoke. Applejack rubbed her eyes. "Winnona? C'mon girl...." She looked at the clock. "It's 4 in tha mornin'..." She glanced at Rainbow, now a few good feet away from her. She tried to grab the other girl to cuddle, but failed when Winnona growled.

Rainbow looked at AJ, a confused look on her face. She sighed. "Couch, babe?"

"Couch, Dash."

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