Do You Care?

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a/n: hope you enjoy! let me know what you think, tried to make it sad, but I only imagine Dylan as a love freak who's very romantic and gentile and ugh I love him, thanks for the request Celyna  :))))

You had been dating Dylan for almost a year. Things were amazing, a paradise, when you first started going out. He would always surprise you with cute, little gestures. He knew how a woman should be treated and respected you. Once he had set up a candle lit dinner on the roof of your apartment complex. Another time he had set up a trail of rose petals leading you to the couch where he organized for you to watch a marathon of your favorite chick flicks and stocked up on junk food. He always made time for you when he was filming as well, he never used his job as an excuse.

Of course you had returned the favours as well. It became a game for a little bit. Every other day one of you would organise a cute surprise for the other, but lately he put in half the effort and barely delivered. Gradually he texted and called you less. You knew he became more and more busy due to his new and hectic schedule after landing the role of Thomas in The Maze Runner trilogy. People were starting to notice him more and you were happy for him.

There used to be a time when he would pamper you and make you feel like the only girl in the world. You never meant to brag, but your friends could see how amazing he was. Nowadays, they don't know what to think of him. Whenever they saw him he was lying around in a pile of rubbish, watching Judge Judy.

You could not blame yourself. You tried desperately to keep the spark alive. You had flown out to him on numerous occasions to surprise him with lunch or dinner or intimacy. You worried this was the end. You could have loved him, but lately, he didn't seem to care at all. He stopped playing his part of the relationship and left it all up to you. You had been debating what you would do for weeks now and considered what the last straw would be.

You rattled the keys in the door to his apartment that was near your new one that you bought per his request in the early months. You nudge hard enough and the door falls open. You stumble in with three bags of groceries and the Chinese food he ordered and asked you to pick up since you were already out picking up his groceries.

"Hey." He yelled from his obscure position on the couch. "Did they give you crackers?" You watch him roll off the sofa from the kitchen. He's been wearing those sweats for two days and hadn't washed them since he took them after you bought them for yourself.

"Of course, they miss you when you're on set." He barely acknowledges you as he pulls the warm food towards him.

"I didn't order this." He questions, leaving the box on the bench.

"It's mine. I'll just put these away then we can eat. Set the table please?" You asked kindly.

"There's a new episode." His eyes are drawn to the television.

"Don't you wanna talk? I haven't seen you for months and you just want to watch reruns?" You think you've grown impatient with him.

"Babe, its new." He speaks in a muffled voice, stuffing his face with food. He doesn't even care anymore.

"You don't even care anymore." You speak softly. "Dylan, you don't even care. What am I to you? A maid?"

"Babe, what are you talking about?" You walk to him watching the ridiculous sight of him watching tv and eating like a pig.

"I'm done. I am breaking up with you Dylan and you don't even care." You stand folding your arms, amused at his retain.

"What do you mean you're breaking up with me?" He laughs, clearly he doesn't think you're being serious. You don't answer him and ignore his disrespectful attitude. You rush around his apartment and collect things you think are yours. You throw a photo frame across the room and rip the Mets poster you bought him in half.

"Celyna!" He yells in the midst of the commotion your causing. You didn't realise how close he was when he snatches your wrists from flailing in the air.

"Celyna." He repeats again, hushed and out of breath. This is the first time he has looked you in the eyes in weeks and you can't help but admit how good it feels.

"Dylan," your voice sounds like more of a question.

"I can't let you leave, Cel." Your wrists are still caught in his hands but you don't dare to move.

"That's not good enough." You spit. The air is thick around you. You see something flicker in his eyes.

"I don't want to give you a choice." His eyes are glassy and your tempted to look away.

"So all of a sudden I matter?"

"Celyna." You're not sure if he's just repeating your name to reassure himself.

"I can't keep playing your servant, Dylan. I know your busy, but I've had to make my own life as well. I need a healthy relationship. This," you gesture between the two of you with your head, "is ugly. I am your girlfriend, not your slave." You pull your wrists from his hands and continue to pack the last few items. You are not really sure what just happened, but you finally got to talk. He stands and watches you move. The silence is deafening.

"Celyna, I love you!" He shouts catching you off guard and quickly drawing your attention. The words slip off his lips like milky heaven. You wish it could have happened under better circumstances.

"No you don't," you quickly deny, more of a test.

"How could I not? You do everything for me. I love you, Cel and I'm going to keep saying it until you admit to me that you love me as well. I'm so sorry I lost my ways. I know, I know I have taken you for granted, but that was because I didn't know where I stood with you. I didn't know what we had, but I'm not scared of admitting it. I don't want to loose you, I want to love you. I want to spend every moment just curled up in your arms, I want you to keep me grounded and put me in place when I treat you anything other than a princess. If you would forgive me for how I've acted, I would love to run you a bath with the lavender scent bath bomb you love and pour you a glass of wine while we do whatever you want. What do you say?"

A bath seems to good to refuse.

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