Brother's Best Friend

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a/n: Hayley!!! here we go, I hope you enjoy, let me know in the comments!! Just also wanna thank you all again, I had my wattpad anniversary on thursday (i didn't have time for a special update soz) and I'm so grateful for everyone!! keep sending in those request :))))) we're at 37.6k reads, 1.3k votes and ranked #937!!! love you lots xxxxxx

"Hey, look!" Dylan is standing by the tv screen with a goofy smile on his face, "there's two of me." He laughs like a child and you shake your head, giggling at how sweet he is.

"We get it, Dylan," your brother, Tyler whines. You watch as his demeanour changes as prepares to grab Dylan in a head lock. "You don't have to impress her," his smile is from ear to ear as he tackles Dylan like he used to with you.

"Guys, stop!" You ask over your laughs at the sight. "I'm trying to watch the movie!"

"Yeah, Tyler!" Dylan speaks as he flattens out his shirt after being released, "Hayley," he stresses, "is trying to watch me." His smile is cheeky, but you just roll your eyes. The couch shifts as he jumps in right beside you. You feel his warm body heat radiating out slightly and don't complain.

"I'm going to get some more snacks." Tyler leaps from his seat, walking around the couch and is quick to see the opportunity to hit Dylan over the head.

"Ouch!" He mutters before Tyler has left. "So, Hayley," his arm snakes over your shoulder as he appears to get more comfortable.

"Just look at him," his attention switches to the tv as your arm guides him there. "He's gorgeous," you swoon, resting your head on Dylan's arm.

"Who? Thomas?" He sounds dramatic, as if he can't imagine anyone thinking he's 'gorgeous'. "If only you knew all the things I knew about him," he puffs his chest out slightly.

"Oh c'mon! Thomas Brodie-Sangster is my ultimate crush," you continue, "his accent, his hair, his smile," you sigh longingly for effect.

"He's not really all that," he mumbles, but of course you catch it.

"Dylan, don't be jealous." You patronise.

"Hayley," he begins, "you've never even met him," he points out as if it wasn't that obvious.

"So?" You question, adjusting yourself in his arms, "a girl can dream, right?" You're basically lying on Dylan. His body is open towards you and you naturally fit into his arms.

"Here we are," your head snatches back to your brother walking in with both hands full. "Damn, I forgot drinks!" He leaves with the bowls and you shake your head.

"So, if Thomas asked you out, you'd say yes?" You look up at Dylan for any sign that he could possibly be joking. "Like, say maybe tomorrow?"

"Alright, Dyl, what's up?" You reach forward to grab the remote and turn down the volume. "Why are you so jealous?"

"I'm not jealous," he averts his eyes and you roll yours again.

"I know you well enough, Dylan." The silence lingers between you before he does that spastic thing with his neck and faces towards you.

"Okay, Hayley," he begins. You follow his eyes as they roam around the room. "You can't have a crush on Thomas."

"I don't think you can tell me what I can do, Dylan." Your eyebrows knit together and you're somewhat confused by his demand.

"You just can't, Hayley." You consider slapping him. "Because I really, really like, like-like you."

"Are you serious?" You watch his eyes flicker between your eyes and your lips as you barely find the air to whisper your words. He simply nods and you welcomely bring your head closer to his as the tension changes in the air.

Your lips lightly press to each other for a few moments before he brings his face closer to yours. Your hands roam towards his head as his arm around you shoulder begins to cuddle your side, pulling you closer.

"Uh hum!" Tyler basically shouts. You don't have the guts to turn back to Tyler as you jump to the other side of the couch at the sound of his voice. You try to hide your blush behind your hand and you peek over to Dylan who is looking up at the roof with red cheeks.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now