Dress Shopping

121 28 17

'whenever you're around, I always seem to smile'

The Becky G jam was drowning out Austin's moaning as we made our away around New Look.

"Soo, when are you going to tell me what we're going to get her exactly." Austin moaned.

I gave in and decided to tell him my genius plan, only after he'd been nagging for ages.

"She went on and on about how she's always wanted these frilly socks to go with her new converse and this perfume/ body lotion kit from New Look that she's wanted to save up for since like forever but never succeeded. It's quite expensive though all together, I mean you can get the socks 3 for £8 but the box set is about £40."

"I don't care about the money, her birthday only comes around once a year and I'll do anything to make my bestfriend happy on her birthday."

I nodded as I felt my insides explode at the cuteness of what he just said, a small part of me felt jealous of how much he cared about her.

Don't get me wrong, Cam, Luke, Callum all of them treat me like a princess on my birthday and I couldn't be more spoilt if I tried but Austin made me feel something else.

"Who knew you could be cute,"

I winked trying to add humour to the situation which worked because he started laughing along.

"I'm not cute, er I hate that word." he cringed but carried on laughing.

"So now that we've cleared that up, you never told me what you were here for in the first place."

The conversation went back to serious and I contemplated telling him, I mean I'm sure if Grace is going then he is too but it's embarrassing that a girl doesn't have a dress to wear for a simple party.

Hey, it wasn't my fault all the dresses they sell these days are either the ones that make you look easy, basically like a prostitute or other maxi long sleeved dresses making you look like a nun at a teenage party.

Enough said.

"It's not really important, I had a thing a friend wanted me to go to and I thought I'd see if I could buy something to wear but I don't think I'll go so it doesn't matter."

That seemed vague enough, I hope.

I don't understand why I care so much what he thinks.

"Alex Ryder's party? And let me guess, Cam is dragging you there because Grace is going?" my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

How the fuck did he know that?

"I'm in the same position, Grace is dragging me along because Cam's going. I mean yeah Alex's one of my boys but he throws parties so often I can't be bothered anymore," he sighed.

"Ohhh..." I said, realising how he knew everything.

"Well yeah you guessed it, I have no clue what to wear, girl problems," I replied making him laugh.

"I bet your wardrobe is full of clothes, all girls always do this, especially Britney." he chuckled as I hit him lightly on the shoulder.

My heart sank at the mention of her name, I hated that girl so much and I'm pretty sure he's not that stupid to not realise it because anyone can see I can't even tolerate her.

Why did he feel the need to bring her up?

"I'm not like 'all girls', I genuinely don't have anything to wear and I'm not about these party scenes anyway, trust me if it wasn't for my bestfriend I'd much prefer snuggling up in my bed watching Netflix all night than watch people get pissed, or even worse, pretend to be pissed and then make out with some random guy." I gasped for air after saying all of it in one go.

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