School Antics

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'You've got a smile that can light up this whole town'

The sound of my ringtone made us both jump and we burst out laughing at the shock.

I knew it must be Cam, damn his protectiveness for ruining such an amazing moment.

"Well something had to ruin it." he joked lightly as he reached into his worn down backpack and pulled out a New Look bag.

I raised my eyebrows questioning when he managed to buy anything when we spent practically every minute in there together.

"Cinderella you shall go to the ball," he said pulling out the dress I had my eye on from earlier, it was perfect.

"No way, how-"

"I'm secretly a ninja you see, but you looked way too beautiful in that dress for you not to wear it, so I decided to be the good Samaritan and get it for you."

"Thanky..." I mumbled, as a smile attached itself to my face, I was officially speechless.

Without a second thought, I jumped up to face him and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, embracing his warmth.

He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, sending shivers up my spine.

I never wanted things to change, have you ever had that moment that you wish time would just stop there and then and you could just relive it over and over?

"You're welcome beautiful." he whispered in my ear as his arms tightened around me, I felt so safe and protected.

"Plus I wasn't going to be stuck with Jay and Grace third-wheeling." He said releasing his grip, his face scrunched up at the thought of standing there with them flirting and we both burst into laughter yet again.


The week seemed to fly by and I was in the best mood ever, I hadn't been this happy in a long time.

I mean it was at the point where I started smiling in maths class that I figured the happiness had exceeded its limit.

I couldn't help thinking how nice it was for him to actually go back and buy me the dress.

Spending the day with him was amazing, who knew he could be so different to how I thought he was.

I need to stop thinking about him and smiling because my cheeks were seriously starting to ache.

I caught a glimpse of Cam turning the corner and walked quicker to catch up to him, I hadn't seen him since the day before yesterday because he had football practice and we had no lessons together today so I was seriously lacking one of his warming hugs.

I saw him send a wink in Grace's direction as he walked towards the café, I smiled to myself when I realised her blushing and beaming at such a small gesture from Cam, it really was adorable how obvious it was that they liked each other.

My face scrunched up as I saw who she was with, Britney.

She saw me smile at Grace and sent me one of her death stares that I was used to by now.

I could swear I'm the only one that can see beneath her fake, plastered smile.

I didn't understand how someone like Grace, so sweet and kind to everyone, could be friends with a devil like Britney.

It was beyond me that anyone could stand seeing her that often a day, I have one lesson next to her and it made me want to rip my eyeballs out.

I caught up with Cam, eventually, it was quite worrying how unfit I was but who even has the effort to do exercise these days?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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