She's MINE!!

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"Wow!!" Takumu ran over to Haru who was in the middle of eating his lunch, waving over to him. "I just got out of the Unlimited Field.. everybody's practically buzzing about Violet Sparkplug all over the place."

"I know." said Haru as he paused on his bento. "Me and Sempai went for a bit of dueling this morning, and our opponents were asking about Misaka-san the entire time. Her reputation is skyrocketing..  I think it won't be long before all the other Kings take an interest in her."

"So.. you really think she'll be able to do it?" Taku asked seriously. "Unite all the Kings of Pure Color? I mean..  it's a bit of a long shot, to expect them to believe that an alien race is coming to obliterate everybody."

"The only way we could get them to believe us probably is to actually have them meet a real Viros." Haru said. "That's why I've been talking with Midna-san.. on maybe the possibility of freeing that Seyat guy or Hei-Long person from the labs.. and she's been considering it.."

"One thing at a time.." said Taku. "Anyways, I've been thinking, so far Misaka's only dived several times.. and she's still Level 1, plus she's never dived with a group before.. Sempai contacted me and suggested that we all take her on a group tour through the Unlimited Field today. How's that sound to you?"

"It sounds great." said Haru. "I'll tell Misaka-san."

"Where is she?" said Taku.

"Well.. she's been out in the school yard, challenging the Kendo team." said Haru. "I think she said she wanted to 'see what they've got'."

"Aw man!!" Taku exclaimed jumping out of his desk. "Those guys will eat her alive!!"

Haru hurried after Taku, following him into the school yard, just in time to see a kendo student fly onto the grass, joining his fellow colleagues as Mikoto stood over their dazed forms, swinging a wooden boken around easily in her hand. "So.. that's it? I wanted to get back into shape.. not out of it.. sorry, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah.." said the kendo student Mikoto knocked down. "I'm.. fine.. I'll just lie here a minute.. owwww."

Taku just stared with his jaw open as Haru smiled. Mikoto was not the kind of girl to be 'eaten alive' by anybody.

"Urrgghh.." Mikoto suddenly shut her eyes in pain, and a bit of sweat trickled down her forehead. "Ooohh.."

"The scar again." Taku murmured. "Isn't there anything we can do?"

"Zant.." Haru muttered.  "He's out there somewhere, keeping Misaka-san's friends captive.. He needs to be stopped."

"But what can we do?" Taku said. "Zant is capable of fighting us in the real world.. and the only one who CAN fight in the real world.. is Misaka.."

"Then we find Zant in the Unlimited field, and take him down." said Haru. "I know, it might not exactly be possible if he can shift us in and out of IRL at will, but it's the best chance we've got."

Taku nodded. "I guess we do owe it to Misaka-san to try, she's already been through plenty of hell."

Mikoto seemed to shake off the pain a bit, before moving forward. "Hey guys? What's up?"

"We're going to take you to the Unlimited Field today for a little bit of fun." said Taku. "Interested."

"Well.. I really don't have anything else to do." said Mikoto cheerfully. "Come on!"

"She's still managing to stay happy.. even through all the pain.." Haru murmured. "She's.. strong.."


Railgun Online, Accelerated World: Book 1, AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now