Keeping the Peace

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Inhaling the sweet, intoxicating aroma of old parchment and leather-bound books coming from inside, Hermione placed her right foot onto the entrance of Hogwarts' ancient, marvelous library. The cherished scent reached into her chest, kindly caressing her intelligent heart.

"I just love the smell of knowledge in the morning," she murmured to herself, a content smile pulling on her pink lips at the prospect of feeding her eyes and mind a million words scattered on millions of pages. 

As her left foot was joining her right, encouraging her progression inside her heavenly nook, she was yanked back by her elbow, causing Hermione to let out an outraged, wounded roar.

"Oh, no you don't," huffed Ginny with her ever-constant expression of thou-shalt-not-cross-me. "Not this year. No way."

"Wait!" cried the older girl, attempting to sink her nails into anything that would force Ginny to stop dragging her further away from the library doors. "Madam Pince added a new Ancient Runes section this year! Ginny, please!"

Ginny snorted at her friend, continuing on effortlessly carrying her away. "Honestly, quit being a drama queen. The books aren't going anywhere. Or have you forgotten you're the only bloody person in this entire castle who actually reads? Well, aside from those overachieving, snotty Ravenclaws. But even they're not dense enough to cross you."

In order to retain the last shred of dignity Ginny had not taken from her, Hermione gave up on trying to free herself from her friend's impressively strong grasp. While being on the run for the last year had provided her with a lean, toned figure in order to escape being killed by Snatchers and Death Eaters, the defeat of Voldemort had brought on an extra ten pounds of happy, post-traumatic weight gain (all right, twelve glorious pounds consisting of bountiful Sunday roasts and chocolate cakes).  As unbothered and confident as she was in the added weight, Hermione's physical strength could hardly compare to Ginny's. While she spent the entire summer sleeping, eating, and vacationing with her parents (memories completely restored, including very furious sentiments on her going to such lengths to protect them), Ginny had spent her holiday rigorously training for Quidditch. If the redhead could take bludgers and still fly high, Hermione had no chance of ever stopping her from pulling on her like she was a rag doll.

As Hermione was making a mental-note on memorizing Ginny's schedule in order to avoid her in the future, she felt her slow down. They had arrived at the Great Hall where a very angry, impatient Ron waited for them by the entrance.

"Took you long enough," he scoffed. 

Ginny narrowed blue eyes at her brother. "Oi, you're the one who said to check the Transfiguration classroom. I told you she'd be at the library."

Hermione frowned at both Weasley siblings, crossing her arms over her chest once Ginny had released her from her tight grip. "Honestly, you two don't have any respect for my education. Need I remind you if it wasn't for my brains and those books you make fun of, there are several subjects you two would have failed. Not to mention, you're alive because I—"

"All right. All right," Ron interrupted with another scoff. "We get it. Let's get a move on. I'm starving and there are twice as many Gryffindors this year than ever before."

While Hermione started reminding Ron that it would not matter if the entire castle was sorted into Gryffindor, there will always be enough food to feed even his bottomless appetite, Ginny held on to her glare. She removed it from the back of her brother's head (where she was silently judging how long his messy red hair was getting) to stare down every new person with a ruby and gold tie around their necks. 

It was not that she was not somewhat elated their house was growing with true, courageous souls, but where was all of that bravery when the world needed it? When Harry needed it? And it was not just these new Gryffindors, but all the people outside the walls of the castle proclaiming fidelity to Harry and the Order of the Phoenix, promising to fight and protect the rights of every citizen of their Wizarding World. Where the hell was that loyalty and blatant bravery when Voldemort was murdering anyone who could not provide a Pureblood family tree? Where was all that love and respect for their fellow witch and wizard when Death Eaters were enslaving them? Where was all that awe for Harry when no one believed him a war was coming? 

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