The One Where Malfoy Takes Charge

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With the Christmas holidays just a few days away, the excitement over the marriage law had dwindled among the younger students as they prepared to go home for the festivities. As well, those who were bound to the law were less stressed over that matter, or about last-minute projects and essays, as they, too, marveled at the idea of taking a break from school. Despite Headmistress McGonagall reminding them at every breakfast that the holidays started once they arrived to their respective houses, all students were still required to submit their homework on time, participate in their lessons, and practice proper dress decorum. Naturally, of course, no one paid McGonagall's words any heed.

As such, Professor Slughorn cleared his throat for the second time in an attempt to get his Seventh Years to stop their chattering amongst each other. As expected, Hermione Granger was the only one facing him, her hands on her lap as she frowned disapprovingly at all the noise, too.

"Did he say who it was, then?" Seamus inquired of Ron, slipping him a leg of his chocolate frog.

"No clue," said Ron. "Mum's making a big deal about it, though. She told us to wear dress robes."

Ginny frowned, pulling up from her seat to snatch the piece of chocolate out of her brother's hand. Ron cursed at her and Harry laughed along with Seamus. "I'm not getting into a dress for whoever's marrying George."

"Gin doesn't think anyone deserves George," Ron told Seamus, rolling his eyes. "She thinks we're the overprotective fools, but she didn't think Fleur was good enough for Bill, either. Almost tore Fleur's beautiful hair out one summer."

Before Ginny could find a way to maim Ron with the sliver of chocolate she had left, Professor Slughorn again cleared his throat, this time with his wand at the base of his throat so the sound carried throughout the potions dungeon. 

"Excellent," he said, grinning at the faces now turned in his direction. "We'll go over your last exams before we are let out."

Ron groaned, sinking further into his chair when Slughorn materialized a stack of paper in front of his desk. 

"I'll be reading your marks out loud," Slughorn informed, ignoring the loud chorus of misery and indignation from his students. "Now, now," he continued, "don't take this to heart. You should not be ashamed of your marks—although, for that one person who received a T, please see me at the end to discuss your future endeavors in this class as well as out."

"Bet you a sickle you got that T, Weasley," said Seamus, smirking despite rubbing off the last bit of evidence of his newest explosion. "You or Goyle, that is."

As laughter broke out among those nearest to the Gryffindors, Hermione frowned. "I highly doubt that. I tutored Goyle last week. He actually caught on quite quickly. Besides, Goyle isn't in our class."

"Oh, you tutored Goyle, did you?" repeated Ginny, a smirk now in place that caused Hermione to turn a violent shade of pink. "Anyone else slithering in for some one-on-one time with the Brightest Witch of the Age?"

Harry and Ron made noises of compliant at Ginny's poorly covered innuendo. "Please," said her betrothed, "we are about to have dinner, Gin. I'd like not to be sick before we do."

Ginny scoffed at the two. Across from them, Seamus turned away, laughing to himself, but not daft enough to get mixed up in their family squabbles. 

"If Hermione fancies Malfoy—"

"I don't fancy him!

"—then we should be supportive," Ginny continued, ignoring Hermione's contradiction. "Can you imagine how conflicted she must be feeling? Liking the same bloke who she has hated for years? Of course, he's hated her just as long. Still, I agree with Zabini when he says there's a fine line between hate and a passionate shag."

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