Slytherins: Seeing Into The Future

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   I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I know that I updated really, really, late but, Christ! I had so much homework and work to do. Forgive me.

Hopefully this chapter makes up for it (:


Inside of the grand office where all of those who attempted to govern the greatest school known to wizard-kind—Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry—sitting on a throne-like chair to make the castle a much greater place for its students, an elderly witch stared furiously at two specific students in front of her.

"Explain yourselves," her voice was harsh, high, and outraged.

The boy winced at the shrill voice of the Headmistress and cowered further into his seat, looking at the young witch seating next to him from the corner of his terrified eyes. Wondering if there was a way he could blame everything on her.

"How dare you disgrace the name of Hogwarts with such vulgarity!" Minerva McGonagall continued to frown at the students, her anger flaring as her nostrils narrowed at the pair. "Have you two no decency—no respect for this ancient castle? This is not, despite your hormones, a place for you to act upon such heated urges!"

The girl blushed a deep red as she looked away from the beady-eyes of the Headmistress; shame written upon her face as she dusted off grass from her skirt and pulled on the hem of her white blouse, noticing that it was badly button-up. (It really was going to take months to be able to walk past the Headmistress without blushing furiously.)

"I do not care of what conditions you two thought gave you the right to consummate on the grounds of Hogwarts!" There was no stopping McGonagall's shouts. " Marriage Law or no Marriage Law, we abide by the rules of this castle first! And such vulgarity, such rudeness, is not tolerated inside these walls!"

"…Technically, we weren't inside of the walls," the boy muttered underneath his breath, his eyes scanning the bare legs of the witch next to him as he continued to stare at the floor with great embarrassment.

"Nor outside on the grounds!" Professor McGonagall hissed, obviously hearing his mumble; looking more appalled by the passing seconds with her students. "Fifty points will be taken from each of you for this barbaric act! And you will be serving detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest! Hopefully then you two will think twice about groping each other in the grounds!"

In the absorbed silence that had suddenly taken place inside of the Headmistress office, between her anger and the students' embarrassment, there was a strained sound of snickering poking at the gaps of the momentary pause.

"I will be writing to your parents, just to see how much more your humiliation can stretch to," the elder witch inhaled sharply. (She wasn't as young as she used to be and these kids were certainly going to kill her. Never in her life did she expect to apprehend students for something so...raw.) "I will also be writing to the Minister as well. I'm sure there is some kind of penalty for the underage restriction of sex, even if you two are bound to marry soon." She paused, collecting herself for a moment at the words she never thought would come out of her mouth.

"I do not care for the Minister's rules," she continued with a clearing of her throat, "but if they have to apply to this situation, then I'm sure Kingsley will be more willing to give you a penalty for consummating the marriage before the actual bonding ceremony."

Wow. How religiously-muggle the Professor turned out to be. Who would've thought that old McGonagall would have a bitch-fit because two students decided to act on their hyper, excited, horny instincts and jump at each other as they laid on the grass.

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