Things that Happen at Night

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Dean had fallen to a new low. 

He was well aware of that as he looked back down at the letter his sister Ella had sent him earlier that day. He had felt stupid after rereading it ten times, but no more so when he had sent the first letter that warranted this as Ella's reply:

Just because you have magic, that doesn't mean your life is a fairytale. Sometimes romance requires a little more space and understanding before it can turn into anything good. 

Let Luna process things in her own way. When she's ready, she'll find you. Now stop being such a moppy tosser, big brother. 

Love you,


His sister was fourteen

Ella had more understanding about the concept of love than Dean did and she had not started dating yet. Despite being the youngest, however, she was more realistic with her approach to life in comparison to her older siblings; it was one of the reasons why Dean was closest to her, but also because Ella would never hesitate to tell him when he was being a twat. 

And, Merlin, he was being a twat. 

Dean had not felt heartache like this before. Mostly, he knew, it was because he had never felt like this about anyone before. He had dated, of course; he had gotten his feelings hurt when things did not work out, but the sting of those failed relationships had never caused his own magic to project itself without his permission. Now here he was, constant rain cloud over his head because he was absolutely gutted at the idea that Luna might not want him.

For a sliver of a second, Dean wished he had never told her he loved her, but the thought faded out of his head at the same speed he had thought it. He could regret anything in his life, but never loving Luna Lovegood. 

It was the only thing that had only made sense to him.

The truth was also that Ella was responsible for Dean even coming to the conclusion that he liked Luna more than a friend.

While Dean had been polite to Luna during D.A. meetings, he had not been inclined to know more about her. She was odd, yes, but in those times he had been more preoccupied with his growing crush on Ginny to turn and look at Luna twice. Then he and Ginny burnt out as quickly as the flame had bit lit. 

Then Voldemort and his Death Eaters had gained power and Dean had no other choice than to go underground. 

When he was on the run, Luna's face did circle his head multiple times, but it was one of the many. Dean hoped she was alive; that she was staying strong, doing the right thing, and knew when it was instrumental for her to keep her head down. 

He never expected to find her as one of the many hostages kept in the Malfoys' cellar.

War changed everything. Dean just did not expect one of those being how he saw Luna Lovegood. Down in that cellar, she was a beacon of light. All black and blue from being beaten for information, but she kept choosing hope. It fueled not only her will to live and fight, but it urged everyone else to do the same, too. So, with a hand in hers, Dean ran into battle and raged, raged against enemy fire. 

When they won, Dean looked for Luna first. It was Ella, however, who told Dean that Luna was the only thing he kept looking toward thereafter. 

Letting out a tired sigh, Dean set his sister's letter down on the coffee table before him. His hands came to his face, rubbing at his eyes. Of course Ella was right; just as Hermione and Ginny had been when they advised him to give Luna her space. 

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