Part 12

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Friends with benefits - Part 12

Isabel's POV

"Are you sure everything is alright?" Niall asks me before he opens the door on his car for me. "Yes," I say quickly and get in the passengers seat. "-I just have a headache." "Alright then" Niall says before he closes my door. As he is about to walk to the other side of the car, someone calls his name and Niall turns around to see who it is.

The person who comes over is no other than Harry. What does he want?

They talk a bit to each other and end the conversation with a smile before Harry disappears from my sight. Niall finally opens the door and gets into the car. He closes the car door and starts the engine.

"What did Ha-" I start, but the sound of the car door opening behind me stops me. "Niall told me that he would drive me home" Harry's deep voice says. I look at Niall, who is smiling back at me. "Oh" I say and smile. Niall turns the radio on and starts driving.


Niall drops me off by my house and to my surprise, Harry is the one who gets out and opens the door for me. I give Niall a little peck on his lips before stepping out. Harry's green eyes pierce down at me as i turn around to thank him. "Have a nice night" Harry says before his eyes quickly trails up and down my body. He gets in to the passengers seat and buckle up. "Good night" I say a bit uncomfortable and walk up to the door of my apartment.


Niall's POV

"Isabel is acting a bit weird, don't you think?" I ask Harry on the way to his apartment. Harry just shrugs and turn up the radio as a new song starts. "- Did anything happen in the club?" I ask again, craving an answer. "I didn't see anything" Harry says and shrug yet again.

"Are you sure?" I ask again. "Niall, you are killing me here." Harry whines, probably sick of me nagging him about Isabel. "Sorry, mate." I say and give Harry a quick smile. "It's fine." Harry says and chuckles a bit before he turns up the radio even more and sings along to the song.


Isabel's POV

After a quick shower, I get in my pajama and jump into bed. As I pull the covers over me, I hear my phone buzz in my clutch. I whine and stand up from my bed and lazily walk over to my clutch, lying on the floor. I zip it open and pull my phone out to bring it with me to bed. I get under the covers yet again and look at my phone screen, the light screen kills my eyes. It is a text from Danielle.

"Everything alright, love? xx" It said.

I thought about it. Was everything alright? How Harry touched me in the club this night was certainty not alright, and the way he stared me up and down after helping me out of the car a few moments ago was not alright either. I wish I could tell Niall, but he wouldn't be happy and I don't want to start any drama.

I text her back: "I don't know. I think I need to sleep on it. Talk to you tomorrow? xx"

After a few seconds Danielle answers.

"Alright, love. Sleep tight and I'll come over tomorrow. xx"

I smile at the text and but my phone on the nightstand, before I tug myself in and go to sleep.


I wake up and feel even more tired than what I did yesterday. I manage to pull myself out of bed and grab my phone to see if I've gotten anymore texts from Danielle. The only thing I see is a text sent from Harry in the middle of the night.

"Thinking of you. x" It said.

I gasp at the text and throw my phone down on my bed. What the hell is Harry up to? He can't just think of me. I'm Niall's girlfriend and even if I wasn't, me and him would never happen.

I angrily walk downstairs and lie down at my couch. "Why is this happening to me?" I mumble into a pillow. I hear a knock on the door and stand up to open it.

"Hi. Are you still in you're pajamas?" A smiling Danielle says. "Hi. What's the clock?" I asked a bit embarrassed for not being properly dressed. "Two" Danielle says and frown. "Oh my g-" I get cut off by a girl stepping out of Danielle's car. As she get closer, I can see that It's Eleanor. I smile widely, because I haven't seen her in a while. "Eleanor!" I say and hug her. "Isabel! Why aren't you dressed?" She asks.

"We'll tell you, El. We brought Lunch though... Or breakfast for you" Danielle says and I spot the grey paper-bag in her hands. I thank them and invite them inside.


"Wait. So you're telling me that Harry felt you up?" Eleanor asks surprised on the other side of the kitchen table. I nod and sigh. Eleanor's jaw drops. "Oh my god... But you're with Niall now, right?" Eleanor asks, with her jaw still dropped. "Yes. That's why I don't understand what he's doing" I say and shake my head.

"Has anything else happened?" Danielle asks. "He drove with me and Niall home last night. He helped me out of the car and he literally trailed his eyes up and down my body" I tell them. "No!" Danielle gasps and Eleanor just drop her jaw even lower.

"It get worse..." I say before standing up. "What? Where are you going?" Eleanor asks. "To get my phone".


I show Eleanor and Danielle the text I got from Harry. "Oh my god, Isabel. You have to tell him to stop. Can you imagine how things would be if Niall found out?" Danielle says. I nod. Of course I had thought of that. That is the only thing I can think about...


Tell me what you think :)

Please keep voting hehe :D

- Em xx

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