Prologue: Perseids Meteor Shower

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Foreword: The character will have their birthday on August 12. This isn't some narcissistic attempt at incorporating myself into the story... Okay, it is a little. But on August 12 is the Perseids meteor shower, and this is where our story will begin.

(Y/n) sighed over her drink, her index finger skimming the lip of the glass idly as she stared up at the sky. Rubbing some of the salt off, she placed the finger to her mouth and licked it off, the watery reaction of her mouth taking her mind off of today's events. Today, the young woman turned twenty-one. Normally, the importance of the date meant intense partying and binge-drinking, and she had done plenty of the first. Her small group of friends, including her boyfriend, had taken her to a loud bar for the celebrations. Until recently, (Y/n) had gone along quite willingly, until the sky had turned dark. Then, she extracted herself from the dancing, taking her light alcoholic drink and standing on the chilly patio to try and get a glimpse at the one thing that made her birthday special. Every year, come August 12th, the skies would tear with streaks of green, blue, white, and red, the remnants of the Perseids meteors falling through the atmosphere. Since she was young, the girl would sit outside bundled in a blanket, her wide (e/c) eyes shining with awe and delight.

With a frown, (Y/n) tucked some stray (h/c) hair behind her ears; while growing up, she had been blessed with living in a rural area, where bright lights did not hamper the sky's beauty. Being in the downtown bar that she was, she strained to see the sparse lights in the sky, her heart dropping as she anxiously waited for the shower to begin. A few minutes turned into a half hour, and with a defeated sigh (Y/n) turned back to the bar: It's too bright to see the stars...

Before she had the chance to completely turn, a bright flash drew the woman's attention back to the sky. (Y/n) squinted, and her heart leapt in her chest: A single, white line made its way across the black sky, giving her the chance to make a wish. Various thoughts floated through her mind; money, success, a new car, a scholarship, family, happiness... Too many things screamed for her to pick them, and (Y/n) shut her eyes tightly, picking something that could encompass all of them.

"Please... Please, whatever power is out there: I wish to see the world."

Her whispered prayer hung in the air for a moment, and (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes looked back to the sky, where the tail of the star was just fading. She stared for a little while longer, then scowled, feeling foolish for wishing like a child. Downing the rest of her drink, the woman straightened her clothes and walked back inside, feeling bitter and tired: This was enough partying for one birthday. Seeing a writhing mass of bodies that she assumed was her group of friends, (Y/n) began to walk towards them, but was stopped by a hand snaking around her waist. She turned her face to see her boyfriend looking down at her, a kind smile on his face. Plastering on a smile of her own, she bumped him with her shoulder: "Oh, hey (BF/n). Are you having fun?"

The man's (e/c) eyes softened as he nodded, squeezing his girlfriend gently.

"Yeah, I'm doing great! But what about you, birthday girl? This is supposed to be your day."

(Y/n)'s smile faltered slightly, and a hint of irritation crept into her heart: (BF/n) was a kind boyfriend, yes, but he was often overprotective and clingy. It was not often that he got angry, sad, or overly emotional in general, but the last few times he had, it had been... Aggressive, to say the least. (BF/n) hadn't hurt her, but (Y/n) was beginning to feel uncomfortable with the prospect of being with him much longer. Still, he seemed smitten with her, and she didn't have the heart to end it just yet. Fixing her smile again, she shrugged, easing out of his grasp and walking with him to the exit: "I'm just tired, honey. The dancing earlier has worn me out, and the buzz from the drinks is wearing off and leaving me sleepy. I'm just going to head home and sleep it off."

(BF/n) frowned a little bit, but smiled again, brushing her (h/c) from her face and kissing her cheek lightly: "Alright, honey, I understand. I'll have to stay, though, as the designated driver for everybody else. Talk to you tomorrow?"

(Y/n) nodded and pecked his lips quickly before darting out the door, hailing a taxi and getting in. She gave him the instructions to her apartment complex, and closed her eyes, dozing off for the ride there.

After paying the driver, (Y/n) trudged into her apartment, peeling off her heels and clothing before changing into a pair of (f/c) pajama bottoms and a comfortable t-shirt. While she brushed her hair, (Y/n) looked at the small collection of photos on her nightstand: Several were of her and her mom, one of her brother, one of her father, and another was of her dog, (dog name). On the last one, she lingered, a ghost of a smile curving her lips; (Y/n) had had to leave the (favorite dog) with her mom while she was away at school, and the woman missed the crooked grin that she saw in the picture in front of her. Finished cleaning up, (Y/n) turned out the lights and lay in bed, curling up under her blankets. As she slowly drifted off to sleep, her thoughts went back to the wish she had made earlier that night, and a drowsy smile crept onto her face. Maybe things would change with that wish...

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