Chapter 10: Going Home - Spain

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Though (Y/n) would normally take the bus home, having a possible opportunity to see Matthew again, she could not deny the hard facts.

Her stomach was digesting itself from the inside out.

Okay, maybe not, but she was starving, and the tiny shield against her hunger pangs that the mochi had provided was wearing off. However, not wanting to get into the bad habit of restaurant-hopping, the young woman figured it best to visit the nearby supermarket and pick up supplies for a homemade dinner; she'd take the bus home from there. Sighing despite herself, (Y/n) squinted her (e/c) eyes against the falling sunlight and began her trek down the road.


"Whoa... They revamped this place..."

Mouth somewhat slack, the ravenous girl turned in a small circle in the supermarket's entryway; while once a bland mix of white, grey, and bad music, the building was warm and inviting. With bright colors such as green, red, orange, and blue, and a lively soundtrack echoing in the aisles, the prospect of grocery shopping didn't seem so dull anymore.

Shaking her head, (Y/n) clutched her school bag closer, wandering into the fruit and vegetable aisles while she tried to decide on a recipe to make.

"Let's see... Something affordable, not too complicated, but still good; mac and cheese? No, they have that at school... Oh! Classic tacos! Perfect!"

Smiling and murmuring to herself, the (h/c)-haired young woman retrieved a shopping basket from alongside a fruit stand, nestling it into the crook of her arm. In order to make fresh, simple, and delicious tacos, she would need a number of ingredients; may as well start with those needed for salsa.

After shuffling along the tile floor, (Y/n) finally found the stands that contained the store's tomatoes. There were all sorts of varieties; cherry, plum, organic, individual-portioned, packaged, unpackaged, large, small...

Feeling overwhelmed, the girl stared blankly at the crimson fruits, her (thin/thick/round/etc.) lips curling into a pout, "Well... Crap. Which ones do I buy?"

Humming with thought, she reached her hands forward; in her right, she grasped a small package of tomatoes, which were smaller, but darker in color; in her left, hooked onto one of her fingers, she held a cluster of three larger, plumper fruits, lighter in color.

"¡Hola señorita! May I help you with anything this tarde hermosa?"

The cheery voice frightened (Y/n) half to death, and she gasped, her grip on the vined tomatoes coming undone as she reeled around to look at the speaker. Seeing the flying fruit, the man dropped the mop he was holding, catching one of the three tomatoes in each hand; the third had flown much higher than its companions, over the man's head and behind him. With a grace that (Y/n) wasn't expecting, he spun on his heel and knelt down, deft as a cat. When he turned towards her again, the undamaged tomato nestled into his palm alongside another, she let out a relieved laugh, "W-whoa! Nice save; I'm sorry I'm such a clutz."

The stranger's jade-colored eyes shone with mirth, and he smiled brilliantly, tossing one of the tomatoes into the air and catching it again, "¿Torpe? You? It just adds to your charm, señorita. Besides, I could not let such precious tomates go to waste!"

(Y/n) returned the smile, accepting the tomatoes as they were proffered to her. Shifting the bundle of fruits awkwardly in her arms, she turned back to the tomato stands, resuming her thought process.

"Yeah, well, I'm afraid they'll go to waste anyways if I don't decide what to use in my salsa tonight..."

Assuming the conversation was over, as most grocery store workers had, well, work to do, the woman compared the two types of fruit in her hands once more.

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