Chapter 4: Meeting the Allies- America

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Foreword: I am so, so sorry if I butcher America's character! I'm trying my best! Up next will be England. Remember to comment!

After Yao finished his stream of enthusiastic 'thank you's, (Y/n) took her plate back and walked around the cafeteria, glancing up at a clock on the wall. It had taken approximately fifteen minutes to get her meal, so she had another forty-five to eat: Plenty of time! Now, she just needed to find an empty table. Her (e/c) eyes darted across the expanse of the dining hall, eventually settling on a table in the corner of the room. It appeared it was the only one available, and she scrambled to reach it before someone else did. Just as she set her tray down on the wooden surface, a massive pile of burgers and chicken strips came sliding over, knocking the Chinese food onto the ground. (Y/n) shrieked with surprise as she hopped back to avoid the flying sauces, then stared at her once beautiful meal in disbelief: "My... My food...!"

Meanwhile, the avalanche of American food finally came to a stop, and a cheery voice broke through the rest of (Y/n)'s good mood: "Alright! I made it just in time! First, I get the fast food all to myself, then I get the only open table? Must be the hero's lucky day!"

(Y/n)'s eye twitched, and she turned to look towards the obnoxious voice, her fists clenching in fury. On the opposite side of the table, she could see a shock of blonde hair peeking out from above the pile of food. The stranger's hair disappeared after a few seconds, and (Y/n) could hear the young man munching happily on his hoard of food, while hers lay on the linoleum floor. Enraged by the stranger's callousness, the woman walked around the table to stand beside him, clearing her throat loudly. The blonde stopped eating and looked up at her, his light blue eyes widening behind his glasses. Wiping the crumbs from his face, and swallowing, the man grinned and held out a hand for (Y/n) to shake, oblivious to the daggers her (e/c) eyes were boring into him.

"Well, hey there dudette! The name's Alfred F. Jones, but you can call me Alfred. What's yours?"

(Y/n) crossed her arms, refusing to shake his hand: "My. Food."

Alfred frowned, brushing some stray crumbs off of his bomber jacket.

"Uh... I'm pretty sure 'My Food' isn't a girl's name..."

"No! My food! You shoved it onto the floor when you annexed the table! It was the only thing I had to eat, considering that the entire hot food section was cleaned out, thanks to you!"

Confused, Alfred ducked his head beneath the table to look at the floor, and he gasped dramatically when he saw the Chinese dish staining the tile. Jumping to his feet, he grabbed (Y/n)'s shoulders and forced her to sit down, shoveling several burgers in her direction: "That was your food?! Some foreign stuff?! It could've poisoned you, dudette! Quick, eat some of this to neutralize any of the cooties that might have touched you!"

While Alfred continued to panic, (Y/n) wasn't sure how to react to his energetic outbursts. First, she had been furious with his apparently rude attitude, then confused by his absent mindedness, and now embarrassed by his loud fumbling. (Y/n) could feel her face growing progressively warmer, and she twisted a lock of her (h/c) hair nervously, unsure how to stop the man's rambling. Suddenly, a hand holding an unwrapped burger appeared in front of her face, making the girl flinch and look up towards Alfred. His eyes were squinted, and a concerned frown had replaced his original smile.

"Dudette, your face is bright red. It's definitely an allergic reaction. I'll have to force-feed this to you if you want to live. I don't want a damsel dying on the hero's watch!"

His genuine concern finally got a reaction from (Y/n): She sputtered for a second, then burst out laughing, covering her mouth while Alfred blushed; pretty dolls weren't supposed to laugh at the hero! After her amusement was finally out, the woman cleared her throat, patting the seat closest to her in an invitation for Alfred to sit.

"Look, uh, Alfred, was it? I'm not dying, I was just a little uncomfortable. And hungry."

Alfred's brief spell of embarrassment ended quickly, and he grinned, sitting in the chair and offering another burger to the strange girl: "Well, you can have some of mine, dudette! Oh, but I get something in return!"

(Y/n) squinted her eyes at Alfred, giving him a dubious look.

"You ruin my meal, offer repayment, then expect me to pay for that repayment?"


The girl sighed, but smiled, liking his enthusiasm: "Alright, dude, what do you want?"

"Tell me your name. The hero shouldn't be calling his new friend by 'dudette' all the time!"

(Y/n) nodded, taking the burger from Alfred: "Well, the hero is right! My name is (Y/n) (L/n). It's nice to meet you, Alfred."

The man grinned, straightening his glasses with one finger while he watched (Y/n) start to eat. She had called him a hero, and he wasn't going to forget it. Satisfied that his friend was eating, Alfred began to scarf down burger after burger; How he avoided eating the wrapping was a miracle. (Y/n) watched him, a little surprised at first, but her (e/c) eyes crinkled in amusement as he continued. The girl grabbed one more burger before the man could devour them all, and once she was finished, her stomach was finally content. Stretching languidly in her chair, (Y/n) pulled out her phone, checking her schedule, and then the time. When she saw the second, she practically fell out of her chair, scrambling to keep her balance while Alfred nearly choked in surprise.

"Oh no! I'm going to be late for class! I'm so sorry, Alfred, but I've got to go!"

Alfred pounded on his chest with one hand, clearing his throat and looking at (Y/n) with panicked eyes.

"W-wait! Don't eat and run! Can I get your digits?!"

The girl was rushing to collect her things, her (h/c) hair wild in her panic: "Yeah, sure, it's..."

She told Alfred her number, who quickly entered it into his black phone before turning to say goodbye to (Y/n).

"Thanks, (Y/n)! I'll shoot over a text later! If ya ever need help with a burglary, fire, accident, or anything, make sure to call me!"

(Y/n), who had been turning to leave, turned back to her friend with her eyebrows raised.

"Alfred, isn't that what 9-1-1 is for?"

"I'm better, babe."

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