Chapter 1: Meeting the Allies- Russia

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Foreword: The character (you) will be starting a new semester at college. Let's assume that this is their 2nd to last semester before they transfer to a new school; and that the character has no idea what they want to do. Have you assumed? Great! Now, without further ado, let the characters start to pour in!

About a week after her birthday, (Y/n)'s all-too-brief summer was ended by the beginning of the new fall semester. Come the day when her first classes were supposed to start, (Y/n) made sure she kept a copy of her schedule loaded onto her smartphone, so that she may refer to it if she forgot what came next. Here is what the schedule said for that day:

French 101 11:00AM-12:50 PM
Creative Writing 2:00PM-3:15 PM

... And that's it. Being so close to transfer, (Y/n) just needed to take classes to fill up elective credits. Looking at the clock, the young woman quickly finished her breakfast, straightened her (h/c) hair, and slipped on her (f/c) flats before grabbing her bag and darting out the door. She needed to catch the bus, or she'd be late!

After shouting at the bus driver to hold the door, (Y/n) staggered up the steps into the vehicle: Running to catch the only bus to class was a bad start to the semester. Panting slightly, (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes scanned the bus, looking for an available seat. Luckily, there was a single bench open, and it looked like she was the last one to board. Smiling in relief, she sidled down the aisle to sit on the bench, scooting over to look out the window. Just as the driver closed the doors, a light rapping on the glass caught (Y/n)'s attention. She opened her dozing eyes to peer around the side of the bus, where someone was knocking at the doors. The driver seemed fed up with interruptions, so he angrily pulled the lever to open the doors for the mysterious rider: "Look bud, we've got no space, and I'm on a tight schedule! Stop holding everybody up, and get your pale ass-!"

"There is still a space, da? Next to the pretty girl with the (h/c) hair? I am sure that you will be forgiving me for this... mistake. Da?"

The bus driver faltered in his rage, and the roaring flames quickly sputtered to nothing as his face paled. Murmuring consent, the grumpy man let the stranger board, then quickly closed the doors again and started the engine. Meanwhile, (Y/n) was looking at the approaching rider, able to place a figure to the interesting accent... and to the casual compliment. The man was massive: He had to be at least, what, 6'5"? None of that was lean, either; his shoulders were wide with strength, and his overcoat (and pink scarf?) added to the bulk. (Y/n) instinctively looked away from the man, not wanting to dare a glance at his face. She felt the bench shift with his added weight, and a few minutes of quiet passed as the bus lurched into motion. Just as (Y/n) was getting used to the idea of not speaking with the stranger, she felt a gentle nudge on her shoulder. Looking up, her (e/c) eyes met those of pale violet, a color she had never seen. They were narrowed slightly, and the large man's face was set into a friendly, albeit shy, smile.

"You were uncomfortable, yes? Da, I can tell. I am sorry for... putting spot on you? I needed to ride this college bus to class, and I saw you by yourself, and thought that I would join."

(Yn) watched and listened to the man with mild curiosity, losing her apprehensions as his face remained as sweet as a child's. She could not help but quirk a smile as he struggled to form proper sentences, his thick accent making them even more amusing. Smiling kindly, she shook her head, denying his apology: "It's alright! Since this is the only bus that runs to and from the college, a lot of people do crazy things when they're late. Yours wasn't that bad; one guy tried to jump through an open window... While the bus was moving."

The man belted out a deep laugh, murmuring several things in a foreign language before turning back to (Y/n).

"That was good joke! A pretty girl with a pretty personality; I like this country! What is pretty girl's name?"

(Y/n) snorted, amused at the sweet compliment, but held her hand out for the man to shake: "(Y/n) (L/n). What's yours?"

He took her hand in his, his gloved palm dwarfing hers: "I am Ivan Braginsky, but please, be calling me Ivan. It is pleasant to meet you, (Y/n)!"

(Y/n) smiled brightly, unable to resist the sweet man in front of her. Deciding to find out where Ivan came from, she turned to face him more directly, tucking her (h/c) hair back and away from her face.

"It is nice to meet you, too! Can I ask where you're from, Ivan? Your accent isn't American, I know..."

Ivan nodded, his smile turning into a sheepish one: "Da. Yes, I am not of this country. I am from Russia, but something... fast? Soon? Came up, and I had to come here to attend this school. My English isn't very nice..."

(Y/n) nodded, connecting the dots between his heavy accent and his home; he was definitely Russian. Feeling a little guilty for bringing up a touchy subject, and wanting to be his friend, (Y/n) gave him a gentle nudge with her finger, getting his attention back to her smiling face.

"Hey, don't be sad! It's hard learning a new language. You're getting the hang of it! If you'd like, I can help you study for any English classes you have? It was my major for a while, and I like to think I'm pretty good at it."

Ivan's violet eyes opened wide, but then closed as he broke out into a massive grin, hugging (Y/n) tightly with one arm: "Really, (Y/n)?! Thank you! You are so nice- light? Sunny? You are like a flower!"

(Y/n) squeaked with surprise, but smiled shyly and accepted the hug, trying to ignore the looks the other passengers were giving her and her new friend. Untangling herself from his scarf, the young woman took a deep breath, chuckling at how happy Ivan was.

"You are kind to think that of me! Would you like to have my phone number?"

Ivan nodded enthusiastically, digging through the pockets of his coat and pulling out a simple, but sturdy, clamshell phone. (Y/n) took it from him and entered her cell phone number into it, then gave the phone back: "There. If you ever need help with anything, or you want to chat, just give me a ring!"

The big Russian stared at (Y/n) quizzically, his tousled, beige hair adding to his adorable look of confusion: "I am to be giving you ring? What kind? Diamond, gold, or platinum?"

(Y/n)'s face went pale, and then she laughed, shaking her head at his innocent mix-up.

"No no, Ivan, not that kind of ring! I'm off the market for that. I guess slang and sayings will be what I help you with first."

Ivan was still confused: What market? But he just smiled, enthralled with the pleasant woman in front of him. Before the two of them could continue speaking, the bus stopped, and the driver announced that they were at the college campus. (Y/n) smiled sadly, standing with Ivan and beginning to exit the bus: "Ah, I'm sorry Ivan, but I can't chat any longer. My first class starts in a few minutes, and I don't want to be late. I'll see you tomorrow, yes?"

Ivan looked down at the woman, smiling broadly and bobbing his head once in confirmation: "Da."

(Y/n) grinned and began walking away, waving in farewell as she disappeared into the crowds of students. Ivan stood where he was for a little while longer, staring after (Y/n) with a dreamy smile. Looking down, he pulled his phone from his pocket, flipping it open and scrolling to "(Y/n)" in the contacts list. He selected the name and edited it, replacing it with something he thought matched his friend's beauty: Sunflower.

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