Chapter 8: Meeting the Axis - North & South Italy

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Once (Y/n) had finished in the locker room, having taken a shower and changed clothes, she found herself with an abundance of time until her next class. Since Mr. Beilschmidt- er, Ludwig, had been so kind as to dismiss the class early, the girl had a chance to have a relaxing lunch break, compared to the fiasco she had the day before. Now, as much as she would have liked to visit Yao again, and hopefully not have Alfred destroy her meal, (Y/n) was not in the mood for Chinese cuisine. The girl wanted something... warmer, something with a comfort-food feeling, and although it made her feel guilty for thinking it, her friend's cooking just didn't sit well with her mood. So, instead of heading towards the cafeteria, the young woman tossed her (h/c) hair over one shoulder, making her way off campus and down the street towards a nearby mall.

Once she had made it to the main plaza, (Y/n) spun slowly in place, examining her various options for lunch. There was a Mexican restaurant, a burger joint, several dessert shops, and an Italian restaurant. Well, more like a cafe; it was small, set into a corner-shop, and had a messy sign saying 'Grand Opening!' on the front window. Painted in a golden, flowing script on the glass was 'The Brothers' Italiano'. Feeling her mouth water at the thought of flavorful pasta, pizza, and garlic bread, (Y/n) decided to give the new restaurant a chance. As she walked through the glass door, a little bell announcing her entrance, the girl noticed a good number of college students already eating. It seemed that this restaurant attracted a lot of attention from her classmates, many of them having come with a significant other.

"Ciao, bella ragazza! Hello! Are you here with a fidanzato?"

(Y/n) jumped a little bit when the cheerful voice addressed her, and she turned towards it, smiling slightly and shaking her head.

"No, I'll be eating by myself today. So, table for one?"

The waiter's honey-colored eyes widened in surprise, and he clutched the menu he held tightly, shaking his head in denial: "Oh no! A ragazza carina such as yourself needs company! My name is Feliciano Vargas, and I'll be your waiter. Please, follow me!"

Near-skipping, the Italian man led (Y/n) to a table by the window, two stylish chairs on opposite ends of each other. Grinning, Feliciano pulled out a seat for her, and the young woman happily sat, having been won over by her waiter's cheerful attitude and adorable hair-curl. Once she had settled in, and had begun looking at the menu, Feliciano took the liberty to sit across from her, making (Y/n) look at him with wide (e/c) eyes: "So, signorina, can I have your name?"

(Y/n) had to admit, even though she appreciated the company, she wasn't used to such casual banter from her waiter. Clearing her throat, she tucked some of her (h/c) hair behind one ear, answering the man: "My name is (Y/n) (L/n), but you may call me (Y/n)."

Feliciano grinned, enthralled with the sweet girl in front of him.

"And you may call me Feli! Tell me, (Y/n); what's your favorite color? Favorite animal? Do you like pasta? What kinds? What about cats?"

The barrage of friendly questions took (Y/n) off-guard, and she choked out a quiet laugh. Before she could remind Feliciano of what he was supposed to be doing, an incredibly loud and angry voice from the kitchen did so for her.

"È stupido bastardo! Where are those orders?! And why is all this damned food sitting here?! FELICIANO!"

The cheery Italian's face paled, and he leapt from the table, running into the kitchens: "I'm coming, fratello! Please don't yell!"

(Y/n) felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her as other patrons turned to look in her direction, no doubt annoyed that her being there had held up their orders. Lowering her head in shame, and using her (h/c) hair to hide her face, the young woman tore off a piece of the complimentary bread, munching on it while looking at the menu. After a barrage of Italian curse words was fired from Feliciano's fratello, the cheery man came out with an impressive amount of food, delivering it to the right tables quickly and efficiently. (Y/n) watched him with an amused smile, still amazed that he could be so happy after the violent lecture he must have received.

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