Chapter 5: Meeting the Allies- England

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Foreword: Alright! England is the last of the Allies, and the last character to be introduced on the first day of classes. Next, the main character will be meeting the Axis powers! The poem in this chapter is my own creation. If it's not too much trouble, could you readers out there comment/heart on this story? I'd like to know how I'm doing, and if anyone has any suggestions or requests for things they wish to see. Who knows? If I get enough positive feedback, I may add a few more countries into the mix...!

"Excuse me!!!"

The group of idle students scrambled to get out of the way of a running girl, her (h/c) hair streaking behind her as she raced to make it to class on time. Several people tripped, and (Y/n) winced as she ran, shouting an apology over her shoulder.

Come on, legs, we've only got a minute left!

Right as the college's clock tower struck 2:00, (Y/n) reached the door to her classroom, patting her messed up clothes into place and trying to slow her breathing. Why was (Y/n) so eager to get to this class on time? Well, as she had mentioned to Ivan, English and Literature had been part of her major for a while; since she was little, (Y/n) had always loved reading advanced novels, and come junior high and high school, she loved to dabble in poetry and story-writing. In fact, she even considered going into a career as an English teacher, but too many other things caught her attention. Still, literature was a passion of hers, and she was looking forward to her Creative Writing course.

Gently opening the door, (Y/n) peered into the room, her (e/c) eyes widening at the sight before her. All of the women of the room, including the professor, seemed to be gravitating to the front-right corner of the room, while the male students remained opposite them, glaring silently. From the center of the feminine crowd, a sputtering, English accent cried out: "L-ladies, please! Class is supposed to be starting! Can't we just pay attention to the professor- Bloody hell! Madame, please, I did not mean like that!"

(Y/n) felt her face pale at the awkwardness of the situation. She agreed; British accents were attractive, but this was like something out of a cartoon! Spying a seat in the midst of the male students, she strolled over, trying to ignore the fact that she seemed like the only sane female in the room. As she sat, the men around her wheeled to look at the new arrival, their faces lighting up when they saw a woman who wasn't magnetically attracted to their foreign rival.

Eventually, the women settled down, but still remained seated around the British man. While the professor walked back to her podium, her face flushed red, (Y/n) chanced a quick look at the foreign student: He was dressed in a crisp, green sweater vest, a red tie somewhat askew from his recent mauling. His yellow hair was sticking out at odd angles, and his thick eyebrows were furrowed in a frustrated scowl. (Y/n) had to stifle a snicker when she saw his comical appearance, but the sound that did escape caught the man's attention. He turned to look at the young woman across the room, his emerald eyes widening marginally. Before he could do anything more, the professor cleared her throat, catching the class's attention.

"Alright, everyone! Now that we've all had the chance to meet Arthur-"

"Er, I'd prefer 'Mr. Kirkland', Professor-"

"Oh, Mr. Kirkland, even better! At any rate, we've run out of time to go over the syllabus, so we'll hop right into our first assignment. Today, I'm going to let you all try your hand at poetry. You have fifteen minutes to come up with a poem, on any topic: Nature, music, art, love..."

A distinct groan was heard, and the men around (Y/n) sunk farther into their seats: "We will all share when finished. Without further or do, begin!"

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