Breaking And Entering

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The next morning Margo started doing more chores than usual around the house, perhaps she was trying to distract herself from the events that took place just a couple nights ago. Her father, John has settle into a small house a few doors down from her. He has gone under a different last name than Margo's and they are pretending like they don't know one another. As Margo prepared dinner for her father and Mark, she wondered what Harvey was doing and if he made it out of Millwood safely.

It was ten minutes after five and Mark and John were awaiting to be served dinner.

"Wow, you really cooked all this?" Her dad chuckled as he took a whiff of the steaming hot mashed potatoes and meatloaf on his plate.

"Yep." She smiled as she sat down next to him, it felt so nice to be able to sit and have dinner with him again.

"I remember when the only thing you could cook was toast." He laughed while pouring gravy over his food.

"Well, I read a few cook books and some of the ladies on the block helped me out a lot." She admitted, if it wasn't for her new friends she wasn't sure how she would have made it without there support everyday.

"Well I'm glad you've adjusted well here honey, I was only imaging the worst every time I thought about you." John thought he would try and talk to Mark about this place, and figure out all he could. "So, tell me Mark, what do you know about this place."


Margo was finishing dishes after dinner as Mark and her dad chatted in the living room, they were talking about her dads books and the history of Millwood. It was almost 9pm when Margo suggested everyone go to bed, she could barely keep her eyes open listening to there stories. Margo climbed into bed next to Mark, she was starting to feel heavier as she grew bigger from the pregnancy.

"You have that glow they say pregnant woman get, you look so beautiful Margo." Mark was in awe of his wife's beauty.

"I don't feel beautiful. I feel fat." She laughed.

"Hush now, nothing about you is fat." He pulled her in close to him, the two drifted off asleep in one another's arms.

It was the middle of the night and something woke Margo from her deep sleep, it took awhile for her to realize someone was in her living room. She didn't want to wake Mark up, so she decided to go peeking for herself, she assumed there were no criminals in this town. Very slowly she opened the door, it was still dark out so she couldn't see much. She flipped the living room light switch and saw her dad, dressed in all black.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered, angered that she was awoken from her sleep.

"I wanted to talk to you, come sit down." He suggested as he plopped down on the couch.

Margo rolled her eyes and sat down next to her dad."What is so important you literally had to break into my house to tell me?"

"I've been doing some research, of all the woman and past woman in town." Margo interrupted her dad before he continued.

"Dad, Mark got you that job by pulling many favours, don't mess it up by snooping around!"

"The files are right in front of me all day long, what else am I suppose to do!" He said annoyed.

"Your job! Which is filing paperwork and making appointments." She rolled her eyes once more.

"Just listen to what I have to say, please." He stopped briefly to clear his throat. "All the woman here, have something in common.. Including you. Most of them are from our town, and your not going to believe this but most of you, if not all - all went to the same high school at some point."

Margo was confused, what did this mean? "So what are you saying, dad?"

"I don't think Mr.Allen runs this place. I think he works for the son of a bitch that does. I think it's your old principal, I mean it makes sense. He observes you for years, so he obviously knows you." John stopped to read Margo's face, which was confused- she just wanted to go back to bed.

"Okay, so the big guy around here is Mr.Warren? Big deal, that doesn't change anything. Dad, you said you wanted to stay here because of me- is that even true?"

"Of course it is, but I'm not gonna let him get away with it. Margo you can have this life, in the real world- with Mark and your baby. I can get us out of here, I just need some help from the outside."

She already knew what he was suggesting, and she was dreading even talking about him. "Absolutely not dad, leave him out of this."

"Harvey is the only person who knows about this place, he's our only hope. You need to write him, please."

Perhaps her father had a point, leaving this place didn't mean her and Mark couldn't be together and raise this perfect family they've been talking about. They could live the same way outside this place, without being watched and told what to do constantly. And if Harvey was the only person to help, than she knew exactly what to do.

"I'll write him a letter, maybe he can observe Mr.Warren for a few days and see if he does anything strange. But we're going to have to find a different way to get it to him. I don't think the mailman will be meeting with him anytime soon since the last time he delivered his mail, Mark had to Bribe him not to say a word to Mr.Allen."

"You've grown up so much sweety, I'm so proud of you. Your mother would be so proud." He reached out to touch her belly, the baby was kicking lightly. "Wow, he's a kicker."

"She." Margo smiled. "It's a girl, dad."

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