Six Months Later

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Everyday life was beginning to become repetitive. Wake up, spend an absurd amount of time getting ready, eating breakfast and going to work. Margo was in survival mode and every part of her was slowly crumbling as she tried to remain strong.

It was a Wednesday rainy morning, her girls were off doing there projects as she drank her coffee staring out at the controlled community outside. Young men working and children running in the streets, everything seemed so normal in this bubbled town. She heard the door close behind her and a loud clank of the door locking followed.

"Harvey... what did I say."'Margo didn't bother turning around as she was used to his short visits everyday.

A woman's voice cleared her throat. "I'm sorry I'm not the guest you were expecting."

The hair on her neck had stood up as she slowly looked over her shoulder. "I apologize..."

"Young love ..." she smirked. "I miss it." No face sighed. "Margo you've more than impressed me these past six months."

Margo had fully turned to face No Face, she was trying to control her breathing and keep calm, but seeing this woman made her nauseous every single time.

"I want to transition your daughter back to you." No Face went to hop onto the desk to sit. "A child needs her mother and six months I feel is punishment enough.."

Margo started to get flooded with tears. "I... please.." she couldn't fathom words together.

No Face hopped off the desk to comfort her. "Darling... pull yourself together."'she smiled as she awkwardly hugged her. "We have a few conditions."

Margo was prepared to deal with every demand if it meant being with her daughter again. "I'll do anything, please..."

"These last six months your leadership skills really took over how I felt about you. I saw you as naive, lazy, kind of ... a shameful woman. But giving you drive to be a perfect wife was all it took.. even if that meant taking your daughter away." No Face was making direct eye contact with Margo, who's tears were slowly coming to a stop. "What you did with these girls here, how you helped them adapt to there surroundings.. I need you on the front lines Margo, helping me recruit and keep this community thriving and moving forward."

"You want me to..." Margo almost let the word 'kidnap' slip out of her mouth. "How?" She was scared to hear the answer.

"We're taking steps out of the whole van kidnapping thing, it worked before the big transition here but we're looking for a more economical way of recruitment. The worlds a scary place out there, people will be looking for places like ours and when they do we will be here with open arms."

"And if they want to leave?" Margo's voice was hush with a tremor of terror at that thought.

No Faces lips quivered with malice. "For some of you all it took was to force marriage and kids, others went a more.." she cleared her throat. "Violent approach."

Margo had become aware of how much control this woman had over her simply because of her daughter.

"Here we don't need cameras on every house and cupboard. We don't need wired mic's. We have the weakest people ripped from society who want someone or something to worship and be apart of. They come to us and we allow them, we help them grow and if they chose to leave than that is my happy pleasure to give proper punishment." No face walked closer to the door to prepare for her departure. "Margo, darling. When you go home tonight, your daughter will be waiting there in the arms of your husband... Harvey." She gave another smirk to Margo's who's eyes widened.

Margo instantly thought of Mark, who she didn't know where he was or if he even was alive. She couldn't understand for a split second why she was allowed not only her daughter but Harvey as well. "You must be wrong..." she clarified in disbelief.

"Six months was nothing for me sweetheart. The moment I think you are out of line or being a sneaky little mouse I can and will turn six months into sixteen years. I'll have Brooke a new mother in a blink of an eye." The door opened and quickly closed behind her as Margo stood in paralyzing shock.

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