Chapter 21

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"Doesn't run in the blood." – Haneen Muhammad, Gravity.

~Haneen Muhammad~

It was as if I was dreaming. Like my phone was ringing in my dream. I had answered it and talked to my friend.

But then I shoot open my eyes. My phone was actually ringing. It was 2 O'clock in the morning. Who was calling me?

I turned over and glanced at my phone's screen.

"Unknown number," it read. Without paying any attention to it, I declined the call. If it was something important, they would call me again. And sure enough, 2 minutes later my phone rang again. This time I sat up and tried reading the number. I had never read that number before but because the ringing was getting in between me and my beauty sleep, I decided to answer. Maybe it was Hafsa or Safa prank calling me.

"Hello?" I said and I put the phone on my right ear.

"Hi. Is this Haneen?" the voice said.

"Who did you call?" I asked, a little irritated by the question.

"I called you," the person said.

"And who am I?" I asked.

"Haneen...?" the voice spoke.

"Why were you asking when you already know?" I replied with my sleepy voice.

"This is Abdul actually," the voice said.

"So?" I replied.

"Uhhh... I need to talk to you about Safa," he told me.

"Now that is a surprise my friend," I replied sarcastically. I was too close to falling asleep while he was talking. And I wasn't going to blame myself. Any kind of being would sleep at night, not talk on the phone. Well except people who are in long distance relationship I believe.

"Then talk," I said. "But maybe you misunderstood the hour on the clock. It's 2 A.M. not 2 P.M."

"I know. I needed to talk to you right now," he said.

"About what? Criminal activities?" I asked.

"Not really. I want you to let me talk to Safa," he told me.

"And you can't do that on your own because....?" I asked.

"Because... err... she thinks I am a criminal just because I liked her," he told me.

"What gave you that idea?" I asked him.

"Well... just I need to talk to her. Can you help me?" he asked. I closed my eyes and grunted in frustration.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"When do you both go to the library again?" he asked.

"You know about our library trips? Wow, Safa really can't be quiet, can she?" I said.

"Yeah well... I want her to like me again. As a friend at least," he said.

"Our next trip is tomorrow," I told him.

I heard him sigh in relief.

"Ok let me know when you get done from there. And meet me outside of the library before Safa comes out. I will let you know what I want you to do," he replied after a few minutes.

I felt something suspicious.

"How do I know you won't hurt her?" I asked him.

"I swear I won't hurt her. Is that good for your assurance?" he said.

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