Chapter 1.

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"Doctors are the most understanding people I know." - Abeedah, Omar's mother (GRAVITY)

A quick A/N: Some of the info might be confusing so I suggest you go and check out the 'Meet the MCS' part again :) Happy Reading!

Chapter 1 -

"My significant other is halfway across the world"

☻Safa Muhammad ☻

"Zahra quit it!" I said as I tried to finish my assignment. My 12-year-old sister kept poking me on my cheeks to get my attention. I was done with 3 of my assignments and this was the fourth one. I still had two more to do, so I was trying to concentrate but Zahra wouldn't let me.

"Look at me.. look at me", Zahra said, speaking like a chipmunk. I glared at her. "I can't! Please leave me alone", I scolded her. She pouted. "My sister hates me", she said facing the other way. I knew she was faking it, but still, I put my pen down and looked at her.

"What do you want?" I asked. She suddenly perked up. "20 dollars", she stated. I furrowed my brows. "For what?" I asked.

 "I need to buy new boots and baba said that I had to pay for those. I only have $10", she told me. I rolled my eyes. "The wallet's in my room and I-

"I'll go get it for you", she said, cutting me off. I rolled my eyes again. "Go", I said and she ran upstairs like a dog chasing a cat. A minute later, she came back downstairs, my purple purse in her hand.

"Don't lose it!" I said as I handed her the $20 bill.

"I'm going to the store right now. I don't think I'm losing it anytime soon", and with that, Zahra was out of the living room and already putting on her hijab to head out.

"Baba! Im ready.. lets go!" she shouted from downstairs. My dad came down and saw her all ready. Since Zahra was the youngest in my family, she was a little spoiled. She had to have all of her wishes fulfilled right at the moment she said it. And even Mama and Baba sometimes didn't tell her off. Just like right now. It was 5 O'clock p.m. and baba had come home from work only an hour ago, but he was all ready to take her to go shopping. Sometimes it bothered me, but at other times, I was ok with it.

"Zahra sweety in a minute please", he said taking a seat on the couch.

"Baba! The store closes at 7", she insisted. "Zahra, baba said in a minute. Not in an hour", Haneen, my 18-year-old sister stepped in the conversation.

"Who's talking to you?" Zahra snapped at her and turned back to baba. "Come on baba please", she pleaded.

"Zahra I said I would take you so now it's my responsibility to take you there before it closes. Now stop tugging on my shirt. I promise I'll buy you those shoes today", he said in such a firm tone, that Zahra didn't have any choice but stomp to her room. She had anger problems.

"I'm going to go and "console" her", Haneen said walking up the stairs. Our house was always occupied with them both fighting with each other. I guess baba was really tired since he didn't say anything to Haneen as she went upstairs. I felt so sorry for him. Dealing with four kids wasn't easy. My 20-year-old brother didn't really demand about anything, but still dealing with his studies and problems was a whole new and different story.

"Safa honey, please get me a glass of water", Baba said and I quickly got up. Just then Haneen came back downstairs. "My counseling is complete", she said, playfully bowing down like a princess. "You're welcome." I laughed. She was the funniest one in our family and never failed to make anyone laugh. Sometimes she even makes mama laugh when she is mad at her.

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