Time for a change

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It was 3am and Piper and Sam were doing their 2 hour shift of staying on guard "Why are you all so mean to me?" Piper said quietly "Guess it's payback for the years of you being a bitch to us" Sam snapped rolling his eyes "I'm sorry for being a bitch, but there's nothing much I can do" Piper said "Ok" Sam replied in a dark tone, Piper knew he was annoyed she got up and moved to a chair in the kitchen.

Morning came and everyone gathered in the Kitchen "I was thinking we could go out for a walk in the local area get used to the surroundings" Freddie said, everyone even Piper was up to the idea so they all set out. They walked in a muddy field "My feet are killing can you slow down?" Piper said to the group "Maybe you should have worn better shoes you can't run in high heels when your being chased by a zombie" Freddie replied "Well I don't have anything else" Piper said rolling her eyes. They soon came across a small housing estate with about 10-15 houses "Guys split up grab what ever food we can" Kate said. Within an hour they all gathered back with bags filled with food "We've got enough to last us for days" Freddie said excitedly.

Then in the distance was a small rumble which got louder and soon became close everyone turned around and saw a bunch of teenagers on motorcycles "Hey they are stealing our food!!! GET THEM!!!" One of them said before they all sped up "Split up and run" Kate shouted before grabbing Julia and running into a nearby woods, Jasper and Piper ran and hid in a small ditch and Freddie and Sam ran up the street and jumped over a fence.

A few hours later Piper and Jasper made it back to the house "Hello? Anyone here" Piper shouted "Yeah in here" Kate replied before Jasper and Piper went into the living room "What took you so long?" Kate asked "We got lost, where's Julia and the others?" Piper asked concerned "never knew you cared so much, Julia's asleep she fell and cut her arm on a shard of glass, Freddie and Sam are out in the garden, we got back more than 3 hours ago how could you both get lost?" Kate replied "Queen bee over here decided to take over and led us on a hike over a field full of dead cows, we encountered a hoard of zombies which Piper managed to distract with some high heels she threw in the bushes oh and we were chased by a pack of wild foxes, in the end I took over and here we are" Jasper snapped whilst glaring at Piper. "Hey specs your back, oh and you bought queen bee back too" Freddie said slightly disappointed.....

Morning came and everyone emerged from their rooms "We need to find a lake we all smell super bad" Kate said "Me and Freddie saw a small lake yesterday when we were chased, it's not far from here" Sam responded, the group grabbed some soap and headed to the lake, it was beautiful it was clean and was the only sign of normality compared to the cities which were burned to a crisp. Instead of spending an hour there the group spent the day there, they swam and had lots of fun and for a moment everyone forgot about the apocalypse they were in. Before they knew it it was dark and started getting cold "Specs what's the time?" Freddie asked Jasper "7:30pm" he replied "WHAT!!!" Freddie replied in disbelief everyone scrambled from the pool and started running back to the house, when it's dark the zombies are more aggressive and hungry and if they don't get back soon no one will last.

Before long the house came into sight and everyone sighed with relief, they opened the door and all went in before Freddie locked it again "I'm ashamed to say it but I've actually had fun with you guys today" Piper said bearing a little smile, everyone headed of to bed as they were exhausted.

It was 6:30am and everyone came downstairs to see Jasper fighting with a TV which he impressively managed to get working everyone crowded round the TV and turned to a international news channel "Breaking news: Deadly outbreak causes thousands to die in the UK, search and rescue efforts from around the globe take place to find survivors" "wait so no other countries have been affected?" Freddie asked "No just the UK, everywhere else is in lockdown." Jasper replied "Well I don't know about you losers but I'm going to get rescued, anyone coming" Sam said "You can't leave we don't know what else is out there we need to prepare before even considering leaving, where's the nearest rescue point specs?" Freddie asked "London" he replied "WHAT!!" Everyone screamed "That's miles away, were in Cornwall now we won't make it in Kate's car" Piper added "Well I'm willing to try" Sam said "Fine go ahead but you won't last" Freddie said hoping he would be put off but he wasn't he went to his room and packed a rucksack before coming back down "See you losers later" he said before leaving everyone stood shocked "What if he becomes one of them" Julia said raising concern "He'll be back he makes out he's the big tough guy but I'll give him 2 days until he returns" Freddie said reassuring her. Life in the house went back to normal but the question was on everyone's minds. Will Sam return???

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