One lives, another dies

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"How sure are you they are poisonous?" Freddie said to Sam "Trust me they are" he snapped they called over Jasper and told him to bring his encyclopaedia about wild plants "Hey kid your smart, Kate ate poisonous berries, how can we help her?" Sam said worryingly "The berries she ate aren't deadly they just aren't good for you, stop panicking in a few hours she'll be fine" Jasper said before walking away. Freddie punched Sam in the chest "You bloody idiot I thought she would have died" Freddie snapped before walking away.

It was the next day and everyone woke up to the sound of banging at the door and groaning at zombies outside everyone gathered to the hallway "What's that noise!" Julia screamed "Piper take Julia and go down to the basement and stay there and lock yourselves in" Freddie said "ok" piper replied before grabbing Julia "Specs and Sam sneak outside and distract them away from the door me and Kate will attack from behind" Freddie said "Sure thing" Sam replied before walking outside "Ready?" Kate said to Freddie whilst clutching a sharp knife on a stick "Yep" he replied giving a little grin and opening the door outside Sam and Jasper were distracting them by honking a car horn whilst Kate and Freddie approached from behind and started killing them, just when they thought it was over it wasn't they turned back to head inside when they heard a scream they turned and looked in horror to see Jasper being devoured by zombies "NO!!" Kate screamed she went to save him but Freddie grabbed her "Don't it's not worth it" Freddie said before grabbing her and going indoors.

A few moments passed before the noises stopped and the zombies had somehow disappeared Sam and Freddie went over and saw Jaspers mutilated body lying there whilst he was clutching a book "Poor kiddo" Sam said "What do we do" Freddie sighed "We tell the others he deserves a send off" Sam said before heading back inside "Guys we have bad news, Specs... I mean Jasper was killed" Sam said "Funny joke" Piper snapped "He's not lying" Kate said whilst wiping away a tear "he's....dead...." Julia questioned before bursting into tears and hugging Kate "We are giving him a send off tonight in the woods grab some of his things too" Sam said to Piper.

A few hours later and everyone gathered to Jaspers burial spot "We didn't know him long but he was a good kid" Freddie said whilst looking down at the ground where Jasper was led in "I bought his favourite book he read it 5 times since the apocalypse started, it's not fair he's gone, we could have saved him Freddie but your too selfish" Kate said before gently placing the book in his grave, everyone stood comforting one another "Head on back to the house, I'll place the dirt over him" Freddie said whilst the others walked away "I'm sorry for being an asshole towards you all these years, you were such a good person and we treated you like crap, sweet dreams kid" Freddie said whilst a tear rolled down his cheek whilst he shovelled the dirt on what was left of Jasper before placing some rocks and flowers on the mound of dirt and headed back to the house.

For the next few days everyone spent their time in their rooms, Julia and Kate in their room, Freddie in his and Sam and Piper on theirs and Jaspers room remained unoccupied. Kate went into his room but her emotions got the better of her and she broke down into tears "It's so clean" Sam said before going over and grabbing a book titled "Jaspers journal" "don't open it" Kate snapped at him "Why are you so touchy for...." Sam said and opened the book anyway Late stood in shock "It's his private business not ours" Kate said and snatched the book of him and took it to her room. "Do you think Kate had a thing for Jasper" Freddie said to Sam "I think so" Sam replied and left the room.

Later on Freddie called everyone to Jaspers room "It's sad he's gone but I bought you here to take 1 thing that belonged to Jasper as a reminder of him" Freddie said on by one everyone grabbed an object.
Sam chose Jaspers encyclopaedia
Piper chose his spare set of glasses
Julia chose his science set which she was amazed with
Kate took a scarf
Freddie took a trophy which Jasper one at a school fair

"Now wherever we go he's always with us" Freddie said before smiling and everyone walked away. Kate sat in her room alone "If only I told you how much I actually cared about you" she said to a photo of Jasper a tear landed on the dusty photo frame "I never knew you cared so much" Piper said opening her door "Me and him were best friends in primary school but he just never seemed to talk to me when we went to secondary school but there was always that connection between us" she said Piper walked over and hugged her "He must have felt the same way towards you, we'll get through this together" Piper said before Kate rested her head on Pipers shoulder and cried into the night......

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