The start of destruction

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The fire alarm starts ringing all through the school, kids panicking before the headteacher came over the school tannoy system "All students and staff this is a emergency, the school must be evacuated". Inside a classroom at the other end of the school are a class of 10 students, "Class we must evacuate, leave your things and head to the school field" the teacher said in a calm voice, "Ugh why do we have to get out, it's raining outside and my hair is going to get wet" Piper said whilst doing her make up, "Hey dumbass can't you hear? It's a emergency" Freddie replied in a sarcastic tone. The class headed outside and saw a field of destruction the air was red and filled with smoke in the distance almost every building in sight was on fire, a scream caught the attention of everyone it was a woman she was being attacked by a group of people but these people weren't normal they had flesh missing and seemed oblivious as to what they were doing. They tore the woman to shreds before turning around and running towards all the innocent children on the field.

Stood in 1 group was Freddie, Jasper, Kate, Piper and Sam. Sam grabbed a crowbar lying on the floor and hit all the zombie like creatures away from the group "GET INSIDE THAT BUILDING" he shouted, the 4 innocent teenagers all ran to a small storage cupboard inside the nearest building whilst looking outside at their classmates and teachers being mauled to death. "Great there's blood on my Louis Vuitton shoes" Piper snapped whilst wiping the blood off with Kate's jacket "Are you always a heartless bitch?" Sam replied whilst climbing into the cupboard, "Hey specs your smart what are those things?" Freddie said whilst pointing to Jasper "I don't know" he replied in a quiet tone.

A few hours passed before conditions in the cramped cupboard became unbearable "My car is in the car park we can make a run for it?" Kate spoke for the first time since the apocalypse started. "Great idea, avoid making lots of noise, Kate you lead the way" Sam replied. Kate cautiously opened the cupboard door before slinging it open and running to the car park the other 4 dragging behind her. They gathered at Kate's car "Eww what the hell is that no way am I getting in that thing" Piper snapped whilst filling her nails "Are you kidding me? Thousands of people are dead and you still want to make a fashion statement? I'm pretty sure those creatures aren't going to care if your nail is a bit chipped" Freddie replied before pushing her into the car. Kate started the ignition before zooming away knocking over a few creatures on the way "There human?" Jasper said slightly confused "They must be" Sam replied.

The car pulled up outside Kate's house and the teenagers cautiously entered the house "Mum? Dad?" Kate shouted up the stairs when all of a sudden Piper screamed from the kitchen the others ran to her and there led on the floor were the mangled lifeless bodies of Kate's mother and father, Kate broke down into tears before Freddie comforted her and led her outside to the car "Cmon guys it's not safe grab some food and weapons we don't know what's out there" Freddie replied before leaving the house. Jasper looked at his phone and saw he had a voicemail from his sister "Jasper it's me these things are breaking down the door, I don't know where mum or dad is all I want to say is I love you" she said in a calm tone before dropping the phone and hearing her scream in agony. "GUYS!!!" Sam shouted drawing everyone's attention, everyone looked up to see a bunch of these zombie like things approaching them "Get in the car" Freddie directed before grabbing the keys of Kate and jumping in the drivers seat "Have you got a licence?" Sam said "No but she can't exactly drive in that state can she?" Before pointing to Kate.

Freddie drove them all to a car park before locking the doors "We will have to sleep here tonight, 2 of us will need to stay awake whilst we rest and we will take it in turns" Sam said to the group. Jasper and Piper volunteered to take the first shift whilst the others slept "So specs what's up with you?" Piper asked Jasper but he didn't respond "Fine be like that" she snapped before looking at her phone "That things gunna die sooner or later Piper so why don't you turn it off" Freddie said whilst he tried to sleep.

Morning came and everyone was awake and got out of the car "Where are we?" Sam said "Piper insisted we go to her house something about a dog or something" Freddie replied whilst rolling his eyes, Piper emerged from her house with a suitcase and a small miniature sized dog "I can't leave fluffy behind" she said whilst giving her suitcase to Sam "Why do you need so much stuff?" Sam said before loading the suitcase into the car "I have a lot of valuable things I'm not leaving them behind" she said "I'm glad you bought the dog with you we can eat him for food" Freddie replied before laughing with Sam "Very funny jerk" Piper responded, "Hey specs move over" she added whilst talking to Jasper and getting into the car, Katie was asleep in the front seat whilst Sam, Freddie and Piper climbed in the back, "Where am I going to go?" Jasper said "It's your turn to drive specs" Piper said out the window to him "Why do you call me specs" Jasper sighed "Cause of your geeky glasses, they're hideous" Freddie said, Jasper got in the front seat and started driving whilst receiving instructions from the others to go to Freddie's and Sam's house to see if their relatives are alive but they weren't "Are we the only ones left alive" Piper questioned the group "I think we might be...." Sam replied

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