Under attack

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A few days have gone by not much has happened, Piper hasn't talked to the group, Kate's becoming really close with Freddie and Jasper is finishing his 10th book, whilst Sam chops down wood for the fire. Sam was out in the woods just a few minutes away from the house.

There was a knock at the door, a very unusual thing to happen during a apocalypse. Freddie got up from the couch and grabbed Jasper and Kate and gave them knives "When I open the door only use them if whoever it is attacks" he instructed them he slowly opened the door and peered through the gap, there in front of him was a girl no older than 9 years old "Hello I'm Julia, nice to met you" She said in a calm voice "Umm why are you here?" Freddie said confused while opening the door "My parents disappeared, I don't know where they are" she said whilst starting to cry, Kate stepped in and knelt down and comforted the girl "It's ok, our parents and family have disappeared too, where do you live" Kate asked "it's not a far walk from here I'll show you" Julia replied whilst wiping away her tears, she started walking Kate looked behind "Well come on then" Kate said to Freddie and Jasper who were stood at the door.

After about 10 minutes they arrived at a house, about a average family sized home, Julia opened the door and went inside the house was cold and eerie "You can't stay here alone" Freddie said to the girl "I've lasted for 4 days on water, I'm too short to reach the food cabinets" she replied in a soft tone "Show me to your room and we'll pack your things you can come and live with us if you like?" Kate asked "Really" she replied her eyes opened wide "Yeah sure" Freddie replied hesitantly, a few minutes later they emerged with 2 suitcases and a bag "God how much clothes does a 9 year old need? Your as bad as Piper" Freddie joked "Who's Piper?" Julia questioned back "Oh she's just someone who unfortunately lives with us. Just leave her to do her own thing and you'll be fine" Kate said reassuring her.

They returned to the house with the new housemate and showed her to a small clothing cupboard which will be her room "I can't sleep in there" Julia screeched "Ugh fine you can take my bed and I'll sleep in the cupboard" Jasper butted in whilst rolling his eyes. Evening soon came and everyone headed outside, Piper sat away from the group she hasn't talked for 2 days now, "Umm who's the newbie?" Sam questioned "I have a name" Julia snapped back "Someone's got attitude, why did you bring someone new in? We barely have enough food as it is" Sam directed to the group whilst rolling his eyes "We can't leave a 9 year old to fend for herself can we?" Kate snapped. It was dead silence when there was a noise from the bushes behind them, everyone turned and look "Kate take Piper and Julia back to the house" Freddie whispered the 3 girls slowly walked back to the house and locked the door, Freddie, Jasper and Sam cautiously approached the bushes when suddenly one of the zombies jumped on Jasper pinning him to the ground his screams drowning out any other type of noise, Sam beat and killed the zombie before picking up Jasper "Get back to the house, get all the food and supplies we can get and get everyone in the car NOW!!!" Sam said before pushing Jasper, before they knew if there was loads of zombies surrounding the area "We can't kill these alone" Freddie said worryingly his heart was racing with fear. The 2 teenagers dropped their weapons and ran back to the house and shut the door they ran to the front of the house and leaped in the car, it was a tight squeeze, Kate driving, Julia in the passenger seat and the other 4 crammed in the back seat with a dog, the tyres screeched before the car shot forward and drove away.

"Where will we go now?" Julia said breaking the silence "I'm not sure we'll find somewhere, all that matters is we are alive" Freddie responded. Morning came and everyone was tired and exhausted Kate had driven them to a small little house, at this point no one knew where they were. "I've been inside the place is empty but has lots more facilities compared to the last house, it even has clean bed sheets in cupboard" Kate said to the group "Hey that's my parents home your talking about" Freddie butted in. Everyone stumbled out the car with the belongings they could grab and went inside "Cmon queen bee" Sam said to Piper who was struggling to get out the car "Oh shut up" she snapped "Her majesty has spoken" Freddie responded everyone laughing except Piper.

"Wow this place does have everything" Sam said "See told you" Kate answered. Everyone split up and chose their new rooms but didn't unpack in case they need to escape again. "Wow this place even has a pool!" Julia screamed with excitement "Yeah but you don't wanna go swimming in that" Freddie said before pulling her away from the window whilst grabbing Jasper "I don't think she saw but outside is the mutilated body of someone, go get rid of it" Freddie snapped before Jasper went outside. "I'm taking Fluffy out for a walk" Piper said the first time she's spoken to everyone in days "Don't think so unless you wanna get eaten?" Sam snapped back "I'll do anything to get away from you losers" Piper replied "Same here but unfortunately we're stuck together unless you and the rat wanna go and leave? I can guarantee you won't last long....." Sam responded, Piper sighed and stormed back to her room and slammed the door "She's mean" Julia said "We know she's been like it since she first started at our school, she was quiet at first but she soon found herself mingling with the populars and she soon became the queen bee, that's why we call her that as its her nickname" Kate replied "Right I'm exhausted, I think a sleep is in order right guys? Kate and Jasper can stay up for the first 2 hours then me and Sam will take over" Freddie said to the group before heading off to his room, leaving Jasper who was reading a book and Kate who was doing a crossword puzzle........

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