chapter 6

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Fall 2100. 85 years away from the present.

When was I going to see Tabin again? Why did he ask me what I was? I was a normal kid like any other. I didn't understand, but I had this impulse that I had to be with him. Almost like I was his spirit. There was a person coming. I was scared to talk to him, though. I just stood there and hoped for the best. He walked toward me and said "what are you?" I said "I am..." what was my name again? It's nibaT. That sounded like Tabin! He was not in sight, though. "My name is nibaT. Who are you?" The person said, "I am Christopher."

<Tabin> 2115. Where did I leave off?

Now that I think of it, I remember meeting nibaT a long time ago. I already knew who he was. A kid who looked a lot like me. "Are we like.... twins?" I asked. "I don't know, but I remember you too much." nibaT said. "We talk recently, remember?" I thought if the dream. Was that dad talking to nibaT? I asked "hey dad, do you remember talking to him?" He said "he was in my dream. He seemed broken, so I went for him." Well, that explains that. At that moment, I heard the sirens. A loudspeaker said "will Tabin Livingston go to 2115. Tabin to 2115 now!" I ran home. Mom was waiting for me at the door. nibaT followed me.

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