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"Jones get up your going home today." The guard yelled from my cell.

I quickly got up and made my way to the bars that separate me and the guard that has a stick in his hand and the look at it, it looks like he is tempted to beat me up. Meet Mr. Dickson I know what your thinking you made up that name, nope he's dad's name is Dickson. Just imagine to be walking into school with that last name. I like to call him Mr.CockSucker, well Mr.CockSucker is a big asshole, likes to beat girls up for fun and try rape them at night. He tried it with me but I acted quickly and got him on a warning if it happens again he's gone!

After that warning Mr.CockSucker has tried anyway to beat me up. But my girls got my back.

How I got into juvie? is another story and I'm not ready to tell.

I still had my bright orange jumpsuit on. Dickson handed me a bag from the opening part of the cell where the food gets transferred.

"Wear this, you have 5 minutes." Dickson yelled.

It was a cell that had bars and Dickson being the perv that he is had to watch me. Staring at me. I just shivers every time I think about him watching me.

I quickly changed into the clothes that I came into juvie with, which were a white v-neck, black skinny jeans with rips at the knees my black and white converse and a black leather jacket. Typical. I was what girly girls call 'badass'.

I'm 18 years old, my birthday was yesterday. I have a over-bearing mother that I think doesn't care about me and sent me here. But she says 'I'm only trying to protect you' what total bullshit.

Dickson opened the cell wide open. I smirked at him and walked in front of him with my head held high. I got cheers from the other girls that were in the cells that weren't going to get out for a long time.

Just because I was 17 years old I only got off with one year of jail time. So I can attend high school at my hometown. How fun!

I stared at the door knowing that behind those doors I will be seeing my future. It was the door where I see no more barbed wires. I would see a open field.

I looked back and see Dickson staring at me waiting for me to kick him and me to stay in juvie a lot longer. I smirked and walked out.

Here I was in California, LA.

I see a black Audi the only car thats here. I frowned. I saw a woman that looked total opposite from me. She had brown hair where I have blond hair, she had a button nose where I have a straight nose. The only thing we have in common were the icy grey eyes. Mine held nothing, hers held happiness and a bit of fear and a tiny hint of anger. 

The woman I was looking at was no other my mother.

She was wearing a black and white stripped shirt and faded jeans folded at the end and had on black and white converse.

She walked up to me. I stayed still.

She had her arms wide open for a hug thinking that I would hug her back. She thought wrong.

I sticked out a hand for her to shake.

"Hi." I said monotone.

She seemed shocked. Her eyes held sympathy, and sadness. I knew it was fake but I didn't know who she was acting for. 

My mom and I had a robotic relationship my dad and I on the other hand had the best relationship out there. We were buddies and whenever they play good cop and bad cop, to make me confess to my mistakes, dad would be the good cop and mom would be the bad cop. But for my brothers it's the opposite, almost, mom usually wins with bribing them with sweets. Thats the way mom plays the boys like a fiddle. 

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