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Liam just said he loved me, louis just kissed me then got his face knocked in and i just witnessed him blackout. Why am i just standing her? I have to help louis to the hospital!

           At zee hospital!

I am so worried right now, i hope louis is okay. Suddenly his eyes flutter open and his face is full of life.

" Louis! You're awake" I hug him and he hugs me.

"What hit me? A bulldozer?" I laugh and he smirks

"Oh i have something to ask you" I beam at him and motion for him to continue.

"Will you..." Yes? Yes?!


"Get me some juice? I'm parched" And no, damnet, why not the question?????

"Oh Sure louis, what kind apple, cranberry, strawberry, blueberry? Mango? Papaya?" I ask, maybe im just not ready for a boyfriend, sometimes a best friend is better than a boyfriend.

I already have a best friend, his name is Liam. 

I abandoned liam.

"Do they have Carrot juice?" I nod and pour a glass for him, then i saunter over, and pout while he gulps down his juice.

"What's wrong love?" I think about telling him how i feel but decide not to. then i re think and decide to heck with waiting and i just tell him.

" I like you alot and i was kind of hoping you would ask me to be your girlfriend just now but the you asked for juice and crushed my hopes and..." He pulls me in and kisses me. This time i can feel the emotion poured into it.

"That was a really nice way of telling me to shutup" I blush really hard and he bursts out in a fit of giggles, just then i see liam pass by the door, once, twice, thrice.

"Hold on, i think i saw something outside of the room" I pull myself off of the hospital bed and quickly and quietly take a couple steps towards the door. then liam appears and stares at me with his deep brown eyes. 

"Stop that it feels like your eyes are burning into my soul, Liam. I am still mad at you" Liam takes a step towards me.

"For what exactly?" He looks puzzled.

"What? Are you stoned?" He looks up and down then smirks his cute smirk.

"Maybe, but that still doesnt answer my auestion, c'mon you cant ignore this face sarah, you know you want to look at this face, c'mon" He laughs and hugs me i push him away and try to choke down my child-ish laugh, but humor overpowers me.

"Haha, very funny, dont even try with the face" He does this cute smile then he pouts, thats the face.

"C'mon Sarah, don't hate the player, hate the game" I beam up at him and then frown and walk towards the cafeteria.

"No liam, no stop that i want to be mad at you. okay fine the cute face wins im not mad anymore" He looks questioningly at me, as if he needs...

"Prove it, hug me" And so i do, and he holds me and i say..

"Enough this isnt right, i like louis not you, you're my best friend and you always will be" He wipes the smirk off of his face and replaces it with a grim look.

"I know, i just had to tell you" i hug him and beg him to stop and just accept the fact that im with louis, and he will always be the extra person i go to for help, to which he replies...

"So im just the third wheel? No quality?" I retaliate immediately...

"NO you're funny..." 

"Oh so why dont you invite louis over and make out with him on the bed while i stand in the corner and tell knock knock jokes?" I sigh and decide to keep at it.

"No, absolutely not, you're amazing and i want you as a friend''

"Knock knock" I get angry and pinch him.

"Snap out of it, you will always be in my life, you just have to accept the fact that you have to share me with other people"

"So you're just going to give up on me?" then liam runs away...Again

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