The night continues...

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Oli's P.O.V

Stunning. She was STUNNING. that's not usually a word i would use to describe girls, but wow! I was instantly attracted to her. She had long blonde hair that seemed to match her green eyes perfectly. The tattoos on her arms and knuckles were amazing too. Her dimples popped up as she laughed at something Ben Bruce had said. Maybe they were together. I figured i'd bring it up later on. I was so mesmerized i hadn't even noticed that everyone else had already introduced themselves and left to go get some girls.

"Hello, i'm oliver, but everyone calls me oli." I said as calmly as i could.

"Hi, i'm jen." She replied.

"Lovely name" i replied.

I swear i saw a blush form on her face. The rosy color brought her eyes out even more. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute she was.

"What's so funny?" She asked

"Oh nothin'. Let's go get some drinks shall we? The alexandria's seem to be hogging them all." I said. I wanted to be alone with her and get to know more about her. She wasn't like other girls. No. I wouldn't let her be like all the other girls.

"Yeah, they go crazy with alcohol."

We both laughed making our way to the bar.

Jen's P.O.V

"Two beers please. And then whatever he wants." I said to the bartender. Oli looked at me wide-eyed. "What?" I asked.

"Ugh, nothing. A beer for me too." He said to the bartender.

"No really, what is it?!" I pleaded.

"Nothing, i just didn't know you drank so much. It's cool tho, i like a girl that can hold her beer."

I blushed again. Geez. What was wrong with me, i met this guy less than 10 minutes ago, couldn't i take a compliment without going crazy red?

"So tell me something about yourself jen."

"Not much to tell, your the one with the interesting lifestyle. How's it like touring with all those guys all the time?" I asked.

"Fun. Hectic, but fun. It's gonna be great having a girl on tour with us now though, it gets kinda boring with all the guys sometimes. But anyways, are you here to see Ben?"

"Yeah, i've missed him so much. It's been months since i've seen him." I replied. I don't know why, but i thought i saw a frown on his face. Did he think Ben and i were a couple? No, he couldn't, everybody knew we were nothing but friends.

Oli's P.O.V

"yeah, i've missed him so much. It's been months since i've seen him." She said.

So they were an item, i knew it. I couldn't help but frown. I quickly wiped it off of my face hoping she didn't notice. It really was too bad though, she seemed like a really nice girl, why did Ben get to have her?

"Oh cool." I said hoping to change the subject. Being friends would still be better than being complete strangers. Jealousy really wasn't my thing. I always got the girls i wanted. ALWAYS. I didn't even have to try. THEY came to ME. And it wasn't every girl i fell for anyways, but jen, there was something different about her that just made me want to get to know her on a more personal level.

"So, how long will you be on tour with us for?" I asked.

"Uhm, all tour." She replied.

"Really? That's unusual."

"What do you mean?"

"Well band member's girlfriends don't always stay the entire tour." I said a bit angry. Jen looked at me like i'd said the most absurd thing in the world.

"Wait, you think me and Ben are together?! No! He's my best friend, i would never even think that way. I'm Asking Alexandria's photographer for the tour. That's actually what i do for a living, but the guys have missed me so much that they decided to invite me on tour with them."

"Oh." Was all i could say. You've done it again Oli, always skipping to conclusions. Damn, don't i look like a fool now.

"Sorry about that. You guys just looked pretty close." I said.

"Haha. It's ok. Lots of people think we're in a relationship, we're just really close is all. I've known him almost all my life." Jen said.

"Well that's a relief" i said

"Why's that?" She asked.

"Because i thought i was going to have to steal you from him. This makes it a hundred times easier." I said.

"You're so cocky you know that? And i thought you were different than what your reputation said about you." She said a bit annoyed.

" and what exactly does my reputation say about me?"

"Oh, you know, the usual. That you're a self centered, conceded jerk who thinks he can get any girl he wants. Guess they were right then." She said.

And with that she got up and walked right out of the bar. What just happened?! Way to go Oli, you ruined things once again.

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