Chapter One

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I don't really know how to start, so let me just "dive in" as they say. My name is Kelly Donovan, I'm a senior in highschool, and I hate fake people. Right now, I had the fakest of people saying the fakest thing ever to be said right to my face.

"Will you go out with me?" asked Quilian Henderson, the most immature guy in the entire of Firth High.

I scoffed. "Um, how about no?" I shoved past him to my locker, and tried to do the combination with one hand, the other full of books. Maybe if I thought he actually meant it, but I knew he didn't. He was Quilian Henderson. Asshole. Player. No. "Ugh," I muttered. I shifted the books to my knee, balancing them precariously there.

"Why not?" Henderson got right up in my face, smirking at me with a crooked smile like he owned the place.

Distracted, my books toppled to the floor. Stupid idiot.

"Pick those up," I ordered, finishing my locker combination. I stared at him forcefully. "Now."

"Demanding," He muttered, picking them up. "Seriously though, why won't you go out with me?"

Henderson asked again, trying to flutter his eyes puppy dog style.

"Why can't you take no for an answer? I do not want to go out with you," I said, enunciating my every word. "Do you like want a list of reasons why? Get out of my face and leave me alone, Henderson."

The bell rang for lunch, and everybody started going towards the cafeteria.

Quilian ran to catch up to me. "I do."

I glanced at him. "You do what?"

"Want a list!"

"You want a list?" I grabbed a lunch tray and got in line. "It isn't going to change anything, FYI."

I felt him run his hand tauntingly through my hair from behind me.

"Cut it out!" I yanked my head to the side.

"Still want a list," He said, smirking at me again.

Oh, I'll make you a list, Henderson. "Oh, you'll get a list." I glanced at him.

"I want it by first period tomorrow, Donovan. First period." He pointed at me, and then walked away towards his friends, who were calling him.

"You'll get the damn list when I finish it!" I shouted after him. He flipped me off without looking back. Asshole. I submitted myself to no one's crap.


I shut the door to my bedroom and sat at my desk, opening my laptop. I went to Facebook and was wowed by the amount of notifications in my feed. Nine of them. Not a lot for some people, but I hardly ever did anything on Facebook. I popped a stick of gum in my mouth and started to chew. Gum was my go to stress reliever. I clicked on the first notification.

"Kelly! I can't believe that Isaac bet Quilian that he couldn't get you to go out with him!"

The comments below read:

"It was crazy! Henderson was bragging that he could get any girl to go out with him."

"OMG I know!! Isaac said that if Henderson couldn't get Kelly to be his girlfriend by graduation, then Henderson couldn't touch another girl for six months afterwards or even till Kelly agrees."

"LOL Isaac said you were the most un-dateable girl in our entire class."

"The last three months of highschool won't be boring."

"Bet she won't date him."

"Sure about that? Henderson CAN get any girl to go out with him."

"Maybe go out with him, but certainly not be his girlfriend."


Excuse me? Excuse me. I don't think I read that right. I mean, I knew Henderson and Isaac were assholes, but this took the cake. It would almost be flattering if I knew that there was no possible way that he would win that bet.

Angrily, I typed my own comment.

"I wouldn't date Henderson if he was the last frickin' guy on EARTH."

I was pissed off. I was not some sort of toy to be played with. Too bad for them, they were about to see what kind of girl I really was.

Digging in my drawer, I pulled out a notebook and a pen. Time to start that list.


On Facebook the next morning, I posted my list to Henderson's wall.


1. His ego can be compared to a sewer full of shit

2. Only wants me to be his girlfriend to win a bet

3. I don't date shallow men

4. Don't share a sense of humor

5. In 5th grade, he picked his boogers and ate them, which is probably still a thing

6. Has never shown any interest or niceness to me before

7. Bullied me all of freshman year

8. Cares too much about how he looks

9. Has never worked for something he really wanted in his entire life

10. I take nothing he says seriously

11. Dating ends either in marriage or breaking up; I would never wish my future children him as a father

I really hoped he got angry, because he knew just like me that this was completely true. This was who he was, and I was never dating him.

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