Chapter Two

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I walked through the school doors the next day, not sure what was going to happen. I didn't have a smartphone, so I couldn't check social media unless I was at home. With no idea how people were reacting from my list on Henderson's wall, I was in the dark as to what people were going say.

"Hey Kelly! Is it true Henderson used to eat his boogers?" Someone called to me as I walked by.

Without looking back, I gave them a thumbs up. Immediately, I heard laughter. Ha! Maybe today would be a good day at school after all. With a giant grin on my face, I dilly dallied my way to my locker.

I hummed a song to myself as I grabbed my American Government and Economics book from it. I ran down the hall to Mr. Phipps's room. Just as I rounded the corner into the room, I froze. Henderson was sitting right next to my regular seat near the back of the room. He was tapping his fingers methodically on his desk, his blue eyes staring straight at me, lips pursed. My eyes widened slightly, but I put on a smirk and walked over to him, taking a seat. Forgot that two faced warthog was in this class.

"Enjoy your list, Henderson? Made it especially for you." I glanced at him briefly before looking away. His face was not a happy one. I let out a small huff of laughter.

"You're not going to win this," He finally said, quietly enough so only I could here.

"And why's that?" I whispered back mockingly. I arched a brow at him.

"Because," He whispered sexily, moving closer. "You want me." He slipped his hand onto my leg, making me shiver, and stared right into my eyes, which were growing wider. Not in the way you might think, though.

"Mr. Phipps!" I called out, turning from Henderson. "Mr. Henderson is touching me inappropriately."


Fifteen minutes later, after a bit of an uproar in Mr. Phipps's classroom, Henderson and I found ourselves sitting in two rather uncomfortable chairs in Principal Garret's office.

As soon as I had told Mr. Phipps what was happening, the entire room turned to look at us as Quilian snatched his hand away, caught in the act. Poor Mr. Phipps had turned from his usual friendly neighborhood professor like demeanor to a flustered and angry man.

"Mr. Henderson! Remove yourself from this room at once and report to Principal Garret's office!" He roared, turning brilliant red. He had then stroked his short grey beard in angst.

"Miss Donovan, I will escort you, as this grave matter involves you as well," Mr. Phipps said, offering his arm before looking at me again and taking his arm back, not sure what exactly to do.

Henderson had stood there, jaw hanging open, with utter disbelief across his face. "But sir-"

"Do not 'Sir' me, you young pipsqueak! I will not have such unseemly behavior in my classroom!" Mr. Phipps yelled at him.

The other students were dying laughing, finding the entire thing amusing.

"Who knew Henderson was such a perv?" One of the girls said.

"I did," said another. "Wish he'd touch me 'inappropriately'," she snickered.

Now we both were sitting, two feet apart from one another, and not saying a word. Henderson's face was livid, and I left mine expressionless. I was entirely serious when I had called Mr. Phipps. I wasn't going to be treated like this over some bet. I was going to win. I do admit that it was the tiniest bit funny, seeing the look on Henderson's face, but I still didn't appreciate him trying to 'cop a feel'.

The door opened, and Principal Garret silently took a seat across the desk from us. He looked at both of us, staring intently.

Henderson opened his mouth to speak, but Principal Garret raised his hand, shushing him before he could even say a word.

"I refuse to accept this kind of behavior at my school. I'm going to suspend you, Henderson, for a week."

"Principal Garret, you can't-" Quilian started in, but once again was cut off.

Garret slammed his hand onto his desk. "Get out, Henderson. You can return to school in one week, hopefully with a better attitude and a better sense of right and wrong," Garret growled.

Henderson shoved his chair back and walked out, slamming the door behind him so hard he broke the glass. I almost felt bad.

"I'll send you a bill!" Garret shouted, glaring after him.

He turned to me. "Miss Donovan, I sincerely hope that this never happens again. Please come to me if you have anymore problems. Are you okay to go back to class?"

Okay to go back to class? Hell yeah, as long as that creep wasn't coming anywhere near me. I was fine with a Henderson-free zone.


After school, I drove home and immediately went to my room to check Facebook. Let's just say there were more notifications than last time.

A ton of people had commented on the list I had posted to Henderson's wall. Everyone thought it was hilarious, and there were already 97 likes. There was one comment though that irked me.

"She's gotta be a lesbian to resist Quilian."

A lesbian? I was not! I was completely attracted to men! I had Thor posters in my room and extreme celebrity crushes on the Franco brothers. I was not attracted to girls. Just because I hadn't ever dated anybody didn't mean that I was lesbian!

I stomped downstairs and plopped on the couch beside my mom, crossing my arms.

"Mom, people are stupid."

She looked up from her book. "There's chocolate kisses in the pantry, sweetie."

My mom was so understanding.

"Hey honey?" She called as I climbed the step ladder to reach the candy off the top shelf.

"Yeah?" I shouted back.

"Do you want to go to the beach?"

Chocolate and the beach? I squealed. "I'll get my suit!"

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