Chapter Four

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I was so glad that I wasn't going to have to face Henderson for the next week at school after last night. The only people in the world that knew that story were Bianca and my parents. I had never dreamed that I would be telling it to the exact person who caused the whole thing. That horrible experience had taken a lot out of me and put something else there: resilience.

Today was not going well for me. I hadn't been able to see Bianca yet because we only shared a class after lunch, which was right now. Last night had been emotionally and physically draining. I was sleep deprived and running on caffeine. Not a good combination because drinking caffeine in the day always made it harder for me to sleep at night.


I glanced up from absentmindedly playing with my food, trying to focus on the person in front of me. Some guy from the wrestling team who's name I couldn't remember. "Yeah?"

"Um," the guy shuffled his feet. What the hell was his name again? "I heard a rumor that Bianca was back. Is she?" He looked at me hopefully.

Oh yeah! Fender Yearout. And yes, his parents had named him Fender. He was the guy that had a crush on Bianca last year, and Bianca had blown him off for some college guy. She was always dating older dudes, something I didn't really approve of because I felt like they were taking advantage of her in a way, although more often it was her taking advantage of them. Anyways, I had liked this guy back then and really wanted them to get together. I realized I hadn't said anything back to Fender, and he was beginning to look a little uncomfortable.

"Oh, right. Um, yeah, she's back. I haven't seen her yet though. She's at school today." I gave him a small smile.

A huge grin spread out over Fender's face. "Thanks, Kelly! I'll catch you on the flip side." He sent me two gun fingers, winking, and walked off. Fender had always been a bit of weirdo, but in a cute way I thought.

Right then, the bell rang. I disposed of my food and started towards Geometry, the class I shared with Bianca. I started to run, excited by the prospect of seeing her.

"Bianca!" I yelled as I saw her sitting near the back of the classroom. Everybody was staring but I really didn't care. Mind your own business, people. I do my thing, you do yours.

We hugged each other and much to my surprise, I started crying. Why the hell was I crying? My period must be near or something.

"Oh Kells, why are you crying?" Bianca asked, concerned. She handed me a tissue somebody had handed her after she snapped her fingers for it.

"I-I just really missed you," I blubbered. I was making such a fool of myself.

She laughed. "I can't tell if I'm flattered or more worried about how you were while I was gone!" Bianca sat down and made me sit beside her. "Now, you're going to come to my house after school and see all the new clothes I got, plus your present and we'll talk about everything." She gave me a look. "And I mean, everything."

I couldn't help but smile. This is why she was my best friend. I couldn't ask for a better one.


A few hours later Bianca and I lay on her bed, surrounded by piles of clothes and all of her foreign objects she had collected in Europe. Her present to me had been incredible.  

It was something I never would have expected; a gorgeously beautiful, long evening gown. It looked like something off the red carpet combined with whoever made those dresses in Reign. It was pitch black with a single, small piece of fabric that casually slid around the slid of your neck before connecting to the back of the dress. Not quite halter neck and not quite one shoulder. Beaded almost everywhere with sparkling crystals, it seemed to sparkle every time it moved. In other words, utterly breathtaking. I would never have been able to own something like this by myself.

"Where did you find it?" I asked her, admiringly gaping at the dress.

She gave me a sly smile. "Well, somehow I ended up on a yacht in the Mediterranean with all of these foreign diplomat kids.  We were all playing cards and I had an incredibly good hand. Royal flush." She winked at me. "I put in everything, and this one guy, who owned the boat, said he was dry but he would throw in the most valuable thing on the boat, which happened to be your dress."

I gasped. "You didn't!"

Bianca grinned. "Oh, I did. He lost, and I got the dress. It was a wild night. I knew as soon as I saw it that it was perfect for you." She glanced down at her chest, raising an eyebrow. "Besides, my boobs are too big for it to fit me."

I laughed. "It's beautiful. I love it. No idea where I'm supposed to wear it though."

"I'm sure you'll find some sort of occasion."

Bianca was a wild child. She herself was a granddaughter of a diplomat in Portugal, which is probably how she ended up on the boat among other diplomat kids. Her grandfather loved to spoil her and took her all over the place when opportunity presented itself.

"Hey, so what's this I hear about you and Henderson?" Bianca asked after we had lain in silence for several minutes.

I breathed in deeply and sighed. "Well, what do you already know?"

"Everything that happened on Facebook, and the fact that you brought him home last night."

I glanced at her.

She shrugged. "Saw you outside my house last night. I wasn't used to the time change and was up." Bianca paused. "So, what's going on?"

I rolled over to face her. "I told him about ninth grade."

An expression of disgust came over her face. "That worthless piece of shit had no right to even know about that!"

"I know, I know... I just got upset and before I knew it the whole thing came out. It was humiliating." My face brightened a little. "Good thing though, haven't heard from him since!"

Bianca snorted. "I will whip his ass if he comes anywhere near you."

I laughed. "I think I'm doing okay myself for right now, but thanks. You're the best, B."

Bianca sat up. "I know! You even got him kicked out of SCHOOL." She giggled. "I have no words for that. No words."

I giggled too. "It was pretty funny."

Our laughter died down and Bianca lay back down and we stared at the glow in the dark stars on her ceiling. She had had them up there ever since she was little.

"Hey, so Fender was asking about you today," I hinted, nudging her.

Bianca groaned, burying her face in the bed. "Not again. Please, not again."

"B, you know I ship Bender."

She hit me with a pillow. "I refuse to submit to his dorkiness! He's such a weirdo!"

I made love struck face. "A weirdo who has the hots for you!"

She groaned. "Stahp. He's like a little puppy dog, following me around."

"Poor baby, so many devoted admirers." I stuck out my lower lip.

"I think you can go home now," Bianca said as she stuck a blanket over her head.

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