Chapter Eight

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"AHHHH!!!!" I screamed, throwing my hands up instinctively to protect me as cars slammed on their breaks, horns blaring. WHAT DID HE THINK HE WAS DOING?!

We made it through the intersection, just narrowly missing the last lane, where a car had swerved into the other lane to miss us.

I was still screaming bloody murder, in total shock that he had just done that. "What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!"

Henderson attempted to look nonchalant about the whole thing, but I could tell it had affected him; his hands were shaking a bit as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. "I don't say no to bets."

"Just call them friggin' dares already!" I exploded. "And pull the damn vehicle over. I am not going to be in here when the cops come and haul your stupid ass to jail."

"Relax, Donovan! The light for the other cars was yellow, ours would have turned green in a few seconds. There were only three cars crossing the intersection, who really should have been slowing down, and I timed it perfectly."

The bastard almost looked pleased with himself. I could have died, not to mention the other people on the road! I stared at him unbelievingly. Did he have no consideration for other people's lives, or his own? "What happens when somebody dares you to do something that kills you? What are you going to put on your gravestone, 'died being an idiot' ? You aren't going to always win!" The adrenaline had hit me now, my hands were shaking and I felt like I was in hyper drive. It felt terrible.

Henderson didn't answer me, he drove the few blocks to my house and let me out. "See you at school," He said emotionlessly, and drove away.

Even though I had agreed to his deal, it didn't mean I was going to go anywhere near him in the meantime. Quilian Henderson was a dangerous person to be around, and I wasn't going to get caught in the crossfire while he was doing his own personal social experiment.


The next day at school passed by with no events. I didn't even see Henderson, or hear his name. I had to ride the bus though because my car was officially not running. First thing I was going to use my paycheck on was fixing it; I hated the bus.

At present, Bianca and I had just pulled into the parking lot at Rae's. Our first day of work. Both of us were a bit scared, but neither of us were going to admit it.

Bianca put a bright smile on her face. "Okay, let's do this, Kells." She pulled out her iPhone.

"Um, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Taking a first day of work selfie, silly! That way, when we get fired, quit, or die, we'll be able to have a first and last day of work picture," She said cheerily. Then she frowned. "Unless, of course, we die."

I started dying laughing, and Bianca quickly snapped a picture, not wasting the moment. "I love you how said 'get fired' first though. That was really something."

Bianca rolled her eyes, ignoring me. She went straight to Instagram on her phone, and posted the picture with the caption, 'First day of work with this girl! #bestfriends'.

"Awwww look, we're so cute!" I cooed, letting her have her moment. Then I smacked her head. "Now put your phone away, we're slaves to the economy now."

Rae soon introduced us to our numerous duties, like running the cash register, cleaning up tables, and taking orders. We were allowed to wear whatever, as long as it was easy to work in, not too casual or too dressy, and not 'unfit for the environment,' as she put it. We did have to wear pale blue half aprons though, which I actually thought were cute.

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