Chapter 1

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"Ouch, Jamie! Watch where you're throwing those things," I yell to my roommate/best friend from my spot on her bed as she helplessly throws shoe after shoe out of her closet.

She's currently looking for her red knock off louis vuitton pumps, that I know for a fact she won't find. But I won't tell her that. And I definitely won't tell her that I broke the heel off of one of them and they're now residing in Tommy-The-Hipster's apartment. Don't ask. Big mistake on my part. And only did I realize what a big mistake it was when I was doing the walk of shame from his place to mine. Barefoot. You get my drift?

"Charlie, you don't understand! I need those shoes if I'm going to wear this dress. If I can't find them I'm going to have to change. And this is only dress that says 'Dayum she classy but can still ride a -"
"Ok I get it," I laugh out before I let her finish. "But how about you wear that little black dress, with these shoes," I say as I pick up another pair of knock offs. These are violet, strappy, wanna-be manolo blahniks. "That would make you look professional but - 'Dayum look at those legs' hot."
She's stops and looks at me for a minute, deep in thought, "You know what babe, you could do this for a living."
I lay back on the bed, grabbing onto my chest and mock, "Oh, my God who woulda thought!"

Truth is I do do that for a living. But given the fact that we share this tiny appartment and can't afford real name brand shoes, is telling of how successful I am at it.

In a matter of minutes Jamie is dressed in the little black number I picked out, along with those violet heels, that I'm pretty sure I'll be borrowing soon. I'm very secure with myself, but can't help the envy I have for her. She has perfect long, dirty blonde hair that is now pinned up, with small curls falling on the sides. My shoulder length, brown hair would never look that perfect. And I won't even get started on her figure in that dress. She's phenomenally petite, with curves in all the right places, as where I would never fill that dress as well, never mind get it buttoned. So I huff a mildly jealous sigh, and walk her to the door as she scolds me to start getting ready for tonight as well.

"Please don't be late, I really need you're support. Plus I need you to help me save face. For some reason every time I'm in the same room as Collin I freeze and talk like a loon. And I need my wing woman, I have to have him babe!"
"I know, I know. I'll be there at 9," I say as I shoo her out the door.

Jamie works in advertising. She's a big timer, well at least she is compared to me. Tonight her company is sponsoring some fancy dinner benefit, where the funds made will go to some charity. A bunch of major corporations are also sponsoring the event, one of which she had once worked with a few months back. And that brings us to Collin. The CEO of said company. And although some may say Jamie has her sights a bit high, she explains it's fate. She swears he's the Mr. Jamie she has been looking for all along, and if she could so much as get a proper sentence out in his presence, he will see it for himself too. Me, well I'm the key game changer here. I'm the wing woman. Her plus one. Her poor roomate/bestie who dished out $200 for a ticket to this event to help make her look good. I will shove wine in her face, to give her the liquid courage she needs. I will check her teeth, fix her hair, and talk her up until she finally gets the guts to seal the deal with the infamous Collin.
I pat my own shoulder while looking for an outfit. I'm really the best roommate ever.

With ten minutes to spare I make it to the event. I kick myself because knew I could have taken the bus and spared my $12 for the taxi. I would have looked ridiculous standing on the bus in this dress, but I'd at least have coffee money for the morning. Anyways, I find myself rooted to the ground with the extravagance beyond the glass doors. When Jamie said this event was going to be fancy, I really had no idea. No wonder the girl was freaking out. I thought she was overdoing it with her hair and dress, but as I'm standing here looking inside, I feel a bit out of place in what I'm wearing. I decided on a simple plain navy strapless dress, falling just above my knee. I paired it with my very own, thank you very much, black, scuffed, Payless shoes. My hair is kept down, a few waves to spice it up, and my makeup is minimal. I almost turn to leave, embarrassed of my efforts, but Jamie catches my arm, delighted that I'm on time.
"Babe! You look great, simple and elegant."
"Well I do do this for a living," I say, pretending I didn't just completely rag on myself.
She giggles and locks arms with me, as we enter the hall to begin our prowl.

There was quite a turnout tonight. The crowd is dying down now, but it sure was some party. The cocktails were flowing, the appetizers were quite fancy, the music was lovely, and I was bored out of my mind. And drunk. Extremely drunk. Jamie ended up going off galavanting with one of the cocktail waiters, since Collin apparently didn't show. I chose to spend my time getting my money's worth in booze and snacks. I even snuck a few of the finger sandwiches in my purse. I'm really a disgrace.
So I sit here humming to the closing music in the lobby, while munching on my take away and sipping on my wine. I'm waiting for the lovely lady who dragged me here because I most definitely cannot afford a taxi home on my own. As I sit here I take in the scenery, stopping dead at the view of a man. It's actually the back of a man. A very broad man, talking to a few of the guests that are leaving. I can't see his face, since his back is to me, but there's something oddly mundane about his stance. He's very tall and sculpted, and I can tell that he's very attractive, without even seeing him from the front. I actually itch to touch him, with an odd familiarity lingering on my fingertips. His presence is dominating the lobby, as all passerbys look up to him as they walk on by. He seems to be important, but that's not what has me standing up and walking towards him. 
Jamie eventually shows up and even catches up with me, grasping my elbow when she sees me getting too close.

And then this familiar man turns and I swear my world stops.
Simultaneously, as Jamie says, "Collin," I say one word. Or name rather. One that I never thought in a million years would leave my lips again after almost ten years.

Minutes pass, while the three of us stand in a semi circle in silence. Jamie stares at the two of us, while Cole and I stare at one another in shock.
This is one of those moments. Those moments that you hear about when someone says that they can see their lives pass before their eyes. Memories flood my brain, thunder sounds in my mind, and my breath is without a doubt stolen.
I try to look around for guidance. Or an escape. Or even a hidden camera. But there's nothing. And my chin starts quivering at the thought that I may have to finally face my past and this harsh reality.

"Do you guys know each other?" Jamie asks interrupting my thoughts, looking only at me for an answer.
But I can't answer.
I look up at Cole, and he stares at me with those familiar green eyes that once were so warm. But tonight their cold. His hands are shaking at his sides.
"Well?," Jamie prods.

"She's my wife."


Hey guys,

So please bare with me this is unedited and written off of my phone. I hope you like it and I would love to hear your thoughts!
Please vote and comment!
Love you all:)

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