Chapter 8

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I've been working at Holden's for over a month now, and although the work is pure torture, it certainly pays the bills. It's not the work that's hard, it's the company. Learning to make a few key drinks and wiping tables isn't rocket science, but the thought of having to serve them to a bunch of drunken, rowdy men is very hard for me.

I spent my first two weeks at Holden's practically working as a waitress. I was hired for evening shifts, but had to start with the basics. So between classes and studying, I came to Holden's and worked along side Sam, who taught me all of the ins and outs of working at a bar. I waited tables, learned how to make drinks, how to work the register and what I was expected to do in the meantime. Like I said, it wasn't rocket science. But of corse, that was only the day shift. Evening shifts were a nightmare. But Sam assured me I would be fine.

Sam is a fifty-something, tall and rugged man, sporting about a thousand tattoos. He has long hair, usually in a ponytail, and an awfully long beard. Although he would seem to be the most intimidating boss around, he's actually a huge teddy bear. I have literally loved him from the instant I walked into Holden's. He hired me right on the spot, without so much of an interview saying, "You're too pretty pass up." He didn't say it in an unnerving way either, he said it as if he meant it. As if I could literally ask him for anything and he'd give it to me, just to see me smile. I guess I'd call him fatherly. So when he said I was ready for a night shift, I believed him. Well father most certainly doesn't know best then. Because I was indeed NOT ready.

My first evening shift at Holden's will probably go down in history as one of the worst nights of my life. Not only was it crazy busy, being Ladies Night and all, but I had to work with Cole. I then learned that I'd probably have to work with him on every shift. He works six days a week, so odds were I'd be stuck with him.

Anyways, the night was crazy. The first few hours weren't so bad, Cole and I kind of just ignored one another and did our own thing. He'd occasionally snap at me to 'move,' or 'work faster,' but other than that, things weren't too tense. Then it started to get busy. We were going through bottles like crazy, I couldn't remember who I was taking orders from, and who paid and who didn't. The music was blasting, people were yelling at me, and Cole was no help. Then I started making mistakes. And boy, did he notice. He'd roll his eyes at me every time I asked a question and would yell at me every time I messed something up, and believe me it happened a lot.

It's not my fault that I didn't know the regulars, that I didn't know which booze was the cheap booze and when to use it, and most certainly didn't know how to tap a keg. I wasn't fucking raised in a bar!

At one point he completely lost it. Just after I made a cranberry and vodka, and was bringing it to a customer, he stormed up to me and snatched it out of my hand. Then he chugged its contents, grimacing from the taste, before throwing the empty plastic cup to the floor.

"Have you been using Grey Goose for every single mixed drink you've made tonight?"

I just looked at him shocked at his outburst.


"It is vodka, isn't it? I couldn't reach the others." I said as if it wasn't a big deal.

"It's more expensive! Did Sam not tell you this? If they don't ask for it, don't use it! If a shot of it is more expensive, dont you think a mixed drink would be?"

Well when you put it that way...

I just nodded, "I'm sorry I'll cover the bottle, just take it out of my pay," I said my voice shaking, before I stormed past him, ignoring my impatient customer.

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