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10. Does it take 18 months for twins to be born?

11. Wow, I can't believe the titanic sank and then the mean camera people didn't even story to help :(

12. LOL I just found a phone from the 90's that had a hash tag on it!!! I mean, Twitter wasn't invented yet, why did they need hash tags??

13. I think titanic was fake cause how did they record it when they were dying in the water?

14. What's the capital of America? New York, duh.

15. *picture of mt. Rushmore* Crazy how nature made that!

16. So glad I don't like dolphins anymore, squirrels are my new favorite reptiles!

17. How come water on the bottom of the earth, like China, fall off and go into space?

18. Sometimes, when I close my eyes, I can't see :O

19. Sooo glad Halloween doesn't fall on a Friday the 13th this year cause that would be scary.

20. Goodbye America, Hello New York!!!

21. Does every religion celebrate thanksgiving?

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