
60 7 5

22. Does it rain in Australia? It can't cause rain falls on top of the world and then into space, right?

23. WTF!? The Olympics have been going on for 3000 years? But there has only been 2015....

24. Happy 2015 th birthday America!!

25. I'm not a bloody taxi service, if you want a lift then pay money.

26. Every thing is or isn't a cookie.

27. If Albert Einstein was so smart, then why did he die?

28. Magic 8 Ball, do you ever say no?


29. It just kind of hit me that Oreo spelled backwards is Oreo.

30. Summer is my favorite month.

31. It took me 10 minutes to remember how to spell wather bottel, lol.

32. I can almost always tell when a movie uses fake dinosaurs.



It'll get youAaron dedication :) 

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