Chapter Eighteen

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Not edited. Sorry

Dedicated to dolphinstory, The comment they left the best comment that made my day.

Chapter Eighteen:

Dear Blake and the gang

I’m sorry but the only way to protect you guys is to get my father as far away from you as possible. I can’t say for sure but I think that he has made a deal with hunters. He’s willing to risk all your lives to save him. So before you come and try and stop me please remember that this is what I want.  I want to protect all of you. You guys are the family that I never had, I love you all.

Don’t come after me, because I need to stop him before he doesn’t something even worse. In saying that if something happens to me and he returns without me. KILL HIM. And don’t show any mercy. Don’t let him say anything that will change your mind. Kill him and then kill all the other hunters. If I don’t return DON’T look for me.

I will love you guys forever.

                -M xx

I placed the letter on Blake’s bed before pulling off my PJ’s and hoping into a pair of black cargo pants and a tank top. I placed a small wooden knife in my pocket before grabbing a hoodie before sneaking out the back door. Slowly I made my way up to my father’s room planning everything in my head. When I reached the door I knocked twice before stepping in.

He was standing looking out the window, into the night sky. The night was clear and quiet, it would have been perfect if there wasn’t a war on the horizon.  

“I’ve made my mind up,” I told him waiting for him to turn around. He spun around and looked at me as if trying to read my thoughts. “I will leave to any place you want me to go on one condition.”

“And what is that?” He asked stepping forward and raising an eyebrow.

“You have to tell me what the big secret is, you have to tell me everything,’ he nodded and turned around so he was looking back out the window.

“Nature has to have balance. There’s good and evil, rich and poor. We are just like that except we are the balance of peace and war. We are the peace keepers.” He explained. “The hunters promised that if we show them that we trust them then they won’t use our power for the bad,”

“You do understand how deluded that sounds. If we are peace keepers then why are you letting people get killed. Isn’t the whole point to stop that sort of thing?” I pointed out.

“I believe it is best to risk a few lives then to risk a nation.”

“If you get rid of our protectors then who is to stop the hunters from killing us and using the power to their advantage,” I asked getting rid of the act. I’d found out what I needed.

“We have made a deal, They will stick to it as long as we stick to our side, “he exclaimed.

“And what exactly did you promise them?” I asked, when he didn’t reply I stepped forward and grabbed his arm yanking him so that he was looking at me. “What did you promise them!”

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