Chapter 7

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//Daemon Christone\\

            Since I had offered to help her, here I am like a f****** driver. Ugh. What the hell is this bastard doing here anyways? Summers, and that Jason guy decided to sit on the back seat. I drove on glancing back at them, to see Jason pat her head, and just caress, her. He is very attentive of her, too attentive. She smiles meekly and turned to see outside the window.

“Turn here.” She said bored-like.

I do as she says. Garden of Eden, is the place we are looking for. Now since I do not know much about this town, Summers is giving me directions, but I do not see any apartments or complexes, anywhere. I drove straight until we reached some gate. Oh, a gated community. Once the gates opened, I freaked. There were no houses. It was a graveyard.

 “Take a left here, and a right.” She swallowed, I glanced at her and saw that Jason was holding her hand. Why the f*** does he have touch her so much?!  “You can park there.”

She said leaning forward and pointing to an empty space.  I complied with what she said. 

Once I had parked I just sat there, I was unsure if I should go or I should just stay in the car. I looked back and saw that Mr. Perfect had just stood up and opened the door for her. Before getting out Summers turned towards me, “Would you like to come with us?” She asked putting a hand on my shoulder. I stiffened at her touch and she suddenly pulled back.

“Sure.” I answered awkwardly. Getting out of the car slowly, I follow them. Summers was wearing some kahki pants and a dark blue polo shirt, her hair tied up in a bun. The scratches on her face where not that visible since she covered it up with make up. She ended up bandaging her elbow. She was holding onto Mr. Perfection’s elbow for support since she was still limping a bit.  He was holding a colorful bouquet. He too was dressed formally. Wearing also kahki pants, and s button up  blue shirt. I just noticed they were matching. I felt out of place. Like the third wheel. I looked down at what I was wearing. Some ragged jeans and a black t-shirt, which by the way where what I wore yesterday, since I didn’t go home. Walking from tombstone after tombstone. It was strange, since it was all green, there was grass. I always thought graveyards where all dirt and that they were only nice and green on movies. Not just dirt nor was the grass yellow it was  green. There were also plenty of trees everywhere next to a tombstone or behind it. It was very peaceful.  Flowers on every tombstone. “Garden of Eden” was the correct term, there were so many flowers it did look like a garden. As we ventured a bit closer to a more secluded area, where there were less tombstones, and more trees, there was a big tombstone, and two plaques on it.  On which both stopped and  Jason backed away, leaving Summers alone right on front of it. I walked a bit closer and I was able to read the plaque which had roses carved into it, ‘ Marie Antoniette Summers and Christopher Summers, June 2, 2011, They will always be in our hearts and our memories.’ A small gasp escaped my lips. June 2nd, June second! Everything, everything coincided. Everything. The victims’ name. The day and year! It couldn’t be a coincidence.  Summers. How did I not notice it! My palms began to sweat, I started feeling dizzy. My focus was only on Summers who was now kneeling on the ground. I tried to calm myself and was able to hear.

“ …I miss you mama, papa…I miss you guys so much…’’ She said leaning in. I felt like I was loosing my balance.

“Are you ok?” Jason whispered holding my shoulder. I looked at him. Concern was all over his face. I nodded. “I will wait for you guys at the car.” I said turning, not knowing if they heard me or not. I had to get out of there. That moment, was too private. I should not be there. Not after what happened. Not after knowing. The two people my dad had killed. Those two people where her parents. I got to my car and quickly got in. I started shaking, uncontrollably. I gripped the wheel. My Dad. My Dad whom I loved so much, was in jail, because of them. Because he killed her parents. Because they were there, when he sped through that red light. Because he was drunk. He killed the parents of someone who had no fault at anything. My Dad killed Summers’ parents, and I keep hurting her. The Christone family just keeps hurting the Summers’ family.

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