Chapter 9

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Thalia Summers

                I woke up feeling, happy and sad. Sad well because of what happened yesterday with my door and locker, and happy well because I know that Jay stayed with me until I fell asleep. I know I should not get my hopes up but I just can’t help it. He held me, not caring, about my huge flaw. I got up extra early, I had decided that I was not going to let a small prank get to me. No Sir! I was strong and I am going to give hell to whoever is doing this. I was going to show to them how confident I was with my body. I took out some jeans dark blue, and a beige  colored blouse which hid a bit of my rolls, , it was a simple blouse but  it was my best. I took my dark jean jacket, and put on some beige flats, I left my hair in my usual pony tail. I decided to use some pear earrings and I was set. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked good. I will give them hell. This is who I am and I love myself for who I am.

                “I am leaving AUNTIE! UNCLE!” I said super excited as I saw them at the kitchen.

                “Where are you going dressed up like that?” My uncle eyed me. His hazel eyes analyzing me his curly dark hair had a few strands of gray, he was not as old as you think he looks  it actually he is 40, and my Auntie is 38.

                “OH LEAVE HER ALONE LANCE! She looks beautiful as always.” Aunty winked at me, while drinking coffee.

                “Thank you!” I beamed, Uncle Lance just chuckled.

                “Stay out of trouble sweetie.” He said proudly ,”Have a great day!” he said hugging me. I kissed them on the cheek and took a yogurt from the fridge.

                I stayed outside on my porch for like fifteen minutes until Theo showed up. “ I thought you were not going to show up.” I said punching his arm. He looked at me as if I had grown a second head.

                “Who are you and what have you done to my sweet THALIA!” He shook me. “HAHA I’m ok!” I said slapping his hands away.

                “I didn’t expect to see you like this today. How did you get home yesterday  by the way?” he asked driving out of me street.

                “I took the bus, and well what is so bad about being happy??” I said accusingly.

                “Nothing wrong, I am glad you are well. We still have not figured out who did that yesterday, but they will pay. I promise.” He said reaching for my hand.

                “Thank you bro.” I said reaching for his. “Anything for my little sister. He smiled and let go of my hand. Theo is my big brother, well not by blood, but he kind of adopted me like that at random during middle school.

                When we arrived , Theo parked close to the exit. He said it was an easy escape plan. As I got out I felt a few stares. Theo just glared at them and they all looked everywhere else.

                “I am ok Theo, you know I can take care of myself.” I said showing him a fist, which he just laughed at. We walked towards the entrance where Daniel, Jacob, and Jason, where waiting for us.

                “THAL!” Daniel gave me a bear hug. “HOW IS MY PRINCESS??” he screamed, gaining a kick on the shin courtesy of moi!  “OUCH! Thal why???!!!” he immediately let me go.

                “You know I hate being called princess.” I said smirking evilly. Jacob just looked at me and smiled, when he got close to me for a hug he hugged me tight and held the back of my head. “ I am glad you are ok. You look beautiful by the way.” He said winking. I immediately blushed, woah! Did Jacob  just complemented me? I felt lost, and to be honest I liked it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2014 ⏰

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