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A seer, a lady in her late forties swiftly tied the cords of her apron around her tiny waist as her maid drew back the curtains, allowing rays of the morning's sun sweep throughout the room.

Sitting at her stool, the seer gazed out to the scenery, watching the clouds of white dance in the sky. Picking up the paint brush, she began to paint.

There the lady sat, unknowingly for hours, not moving anything accept for her wrist which held the paint brush.

It wasn't until her maid gently took hold of her wrist and moved her hand away from the painting that she stopped. The lady blinked, coming out of the trance. Dropping the brush in shock, she hunched over in her chair, her fingers threading through her hair.

It took a while until the seer finally calmed down. Taking a deep breath, the lady looked up at her maid whose brows were knotted together and eyes staring at her in worry. "Milady, are you well?" She asked cautiously, placing her small hand on her mistress's forehead.

"I am perfectly well, Tusasa." The woman said, removing the maid's hand from her forehead. "Just a little dizzy, that's all." The maid nodded nervously, fidgeting with her fingers against her apron as she lowered her gaze to the floor.

The seer let out a sigh. "I must of been in some sort of trance when painting, not knowing how late it has become. I am sorry Tusasa for causing you such distress," the seer said apologetically.

When she stood, her body ached from being in the same position for a long time. Ignoring the pain, the seer massaged her hands and wiped her dress clean of any creases.

With an empty stomach, the lady announced, "Tusasa see to it that my painting is placed with the others. I am going head down to the dining hall with the other seers, it should be around supper by now."

In saying that, the seer began to make her way to the door of her chambers. It wasn't till she was about to place her hand on the door handle, that a loud crashing sound came to her ears. Spinning around she found her maid on the ground along with her current painting.

"Tusasa, get up at once you clumsily fool! Quickly, put away my painting and start to prepare my bed, I shall head to bed once I am fed," she ordered firmly, slightly annoyed at her maid's sudden clumsiness.

The maid did not hear her mistress's orders, instead she raised her hand to cover her mouth, muffling her cries as she stared at the painting in horror.

"Tusasa?" The seer asked, getting angry at her maid's lack of response. Her face became red and her hands clenched at her sides. She stormed over to the girl, whacking her on the side of the head to 'snap her out of her wild thoughts' as she had put it.

The maid jumped in fright, her gaze instantly moving up to her mistress's form. The maid's mouth opened to beg for her forgiveness but the seer cut her off.

"How dare you disobey my orders, you disobedient child! If it wasn't for me you would be out in the streets, begging for-" The woman stopped short as she saw a horrified look upon the girl's face. In fact, the girl was shaking in fear.

"My child, what on earth is the matter?" The seer asked.

The maid tried to speak, but her lips forbid her to do so. Instead, the maid raised a shaky hand to the painting that laid beside her. The seer moved her gaze from the maid to the canvas, frowning in confusion.

The seer's eyes widened in horror as she felt her legs go weak, causing her to stumble backwards. Steading herself, she let out a gasp. Both ladies stood there, frozen as their eyes were glued to the piece of artwork.

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