Chapter Three: The Dark Awakening.

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Allison's P.O.V

"Remember to deliver those potions to Mr. Hub while I'm away," My mother reminded me a fourth time. I let out a big sigh, flopping onto the couch with book in hand, letting my legs dangle off the side as Mama kept rambling on. She always does this right before she leaves.

"Are you listening to me, Allison?!" She suddenly demanded, her hands placed upon her hips as she waited for my answer. Grumbling, I got to my feet and helped her finish packing. "Now as I was saying, I'll be gone a couple of weeks so you better look after yourself. Remember to close the windows shut at night since it is nearly winter. Make sure you don't skip your daily meals and please do..."

There she goes on again. Doesn't she already know that I can fend for myself by now? Considering that she has done this multiple times now.

I was woken from my thoughts when Mama ruffled my hair. I shoved her hand away and tried to tend to my hair but it was ruined. I looked back at my mother with a moping pout and she chuckled.

She had won this time.

I strapped the rest of her things to Daeron's back as she whispered something to the horse. When she met my gaze she gave me a warm smile and went to retrieve the food satchel from the kitchen.

"Where are you heading to this time Mama?" I asked her as she mounted Daeron.

"Oh, just to Bree. I have some business there with some of my clients," she said as I handed her the reins.


I could tell that she was lying by the look upon her face. She wasn't traveling to Bree but somewhere else. Of course being myself, I decided not to question the reason behind her departure. "Bree? If you are going there, could you maybe get me a new dagger?" She let out a hearty laugh, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"We'll see Allison, we shall see."

With that, she nudged Daeron gently into a fast trot. I watched both of them leave from edge of the path that led up to the house as she waved, her plaited blonde hair gently bouncing against her back. When she made it to the old gate at the end of the forest path that headed in the direction of the town, she stopped and called out the words, "STAY SAFE ALLISON! DON'T SPEAK TO STRANGERS!"

The smile faded from my lips as the sudden feeling of lonesomeness hit me. All that was left of her presence was a small dust cloud. As a tear rolled down my cheek, I hurried my way across the creaky bridge to the cottage.

Grabbing the small blanket from the wooden chair, I wrapped it around my shoulders. Quickly I scrambled to the opened window to shut it, feeling a gust of cool wind hit my face. Peering up at the darkening sky, I let out a sigh.

Winter was coming, the dangerous season. It gets to the point where we're low on supplies, unable to grow herbs due to the frost and not able to provide medicine. A sudden shiver climbed up my spine as I went to scavenge something for supper.


It has almost been three weeks since Mama had left. Winter had hit the Shire hard this year with the temperatures slowly heading to a deadly low and the presence of heavy snow, resulting in some damage houses.

Although, there was no damage to the cottage's roof this year, my bottom has suffered a great deal. Every time I go outside, I manage to slip over on the frozen ice which resulted in a patchwork of dark purple bruises that decorated my backside.

"Stupid winter," I grumble to myself as I pulled a woolen hat on my head, patting the flaps down over my pointed ears and slipped on my fingerless gloves. I bravely ventured outside, my satchel filled with clients' orders which hung securely on my small shoulder.

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