Chapter Four: The Shadows

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Allison's P.O.V

The moment my heavy eyelids lifted, I was faced with a low white celling with roots which created tiny cracks in the paint. Thick beams made of polished oak supporting it. Straining my eyes, I could make out the slight grooves of the oak within the beams made from an axe, which made each beam unique. My ears could pick up the sound of the birds chirping from outside. Their speech rushed and high pitched as they chatted insanely to each other. Moving my head slightly to the side, I could feel the warm glow of the morning sun, lightly on the side of my face. It was morning. Argh.

Looking around for something that would satisfy my dying thirst, I spotted a jug and what looked like two used wet rags on a side table, just out of arms' reach.

As I leaned forward to try and sit up, I let out a strangling cry as immense pain soared through my chest and back. My weak body unable to take the pain, immediately laid back down. The sound of hurried footsteps caught my attention.

"Oh thank the heavens you are awake," A familiar cherry voice filled my ears as a female hobbit suddenly came into view. Cheeks stained slightly red and her thick short curly strawberry blonde hair, made her face appear more warm and inviting. Her hands hastily wiped her green patched apron of what seemed to be the remains of dough. Her warm and worried brown eyes wandered over my figure before finally resting on my face.

"You remind me more of your mother every time I see you. She too found herself in dangerous situations." What?! I thought Mama was a merchant. What dangerous situations would she be in if she was selling tonics?

Before I could ask anything, I felt the hobbit's hand on my forehead. She frowned. "You still have a small fever..." Her voice wandered off as she began to wipe the sweat from my face with a cool towel. I grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"Belladonna, why am I here?"

As soon as those croaky words left my mouth, Belladonna Baggins froze. Placing the towel back down, she lightly caressed my cheek and brushed a few strands of my hair aside. "You cannot remember?" Belladonna asked. I shook my head, unable to make clear of the fog in my mind.

"My husband found you when looking for firewood. You were unconscious near the entrance of the woods. Y-you were covered in blood and soaked to the bone. When my husband came storming in the house with you in his arms, I was beside myself. "Taking in a shaky breath, the hobbit re-adjusted the blanket that I was currently under.

"You were so pale and so cold. You were out for nearly three days. At first, my husband and I didn't know if you could even make it through the night...But you dear being Belle's daughter, pulled through. " Belladonna gave me a small smile as her hand skimmed the bandage that was wrapped around my upper body. "You suffered wounds to your chest and upper back. From the looks of it, the wounds were from a wolf...I knew there were wolves in those woods. "She muttered the end to herself.

"Most of the wounds on your chest were shallow and will hopefully heal nicely. However, the ones on your back are another story. I'm so sorry Allison, I tried to do the best I could. I-" Belladonna eyes were filled with tears, her hand was pressed against her mouth to muffle her sobs. I reached over and took her hand in mine, giving it a little squeeze for comfort. The scars would be a constant reminder on how precious life is. I should be more careful.

"Thank you, Belladonna. Thank you for all you have done." My croaky voice made Belladonna smile and stand up, claiming that she was going to get me a glass of water.

Alone once again, I tried to collect my thoughts. What had exactly happened to me? How on earth did I end up like this? Despite all these question, I was unable to see through the fog which circled around in my mind.

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