Family Dinner.

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Zoya's POV.


My pretty zoyi.

Pasta please.

His voice was ringing in my ear and I again couldn't hold my tears back. Looking at the lawn from my room window, many moments go through on the curtain of my mind making me lost in the past which was filled with the memories of my Zain.

"Zoya." On the voice, I turned and saw Hoorain standing there.

I wiped my tears and walked to her who smiled first and then frowned as she noticed me crying. We both took seat on bed and i avoid to look at her.

"You were crying?" She asked making me turn to her.

"I won't lie. Yes but now I'm fine." I replied and kept looking at her.

"Can't you move on? Forget him and move on in your life." She said and I smiled with tears shinned in my eyes once again.

"As if its so easy. You think i didn't try. But no one can understand.  He lives in my heart, in my breaths. I can take him out of my mind but what about my heartbeats and breaths? I can't do it. If i try to do it it will make me die. I will die. There's no life without him." I said tears still shinning in my eyes.

"You're crazy. Its been 12 years and you both are standing on different poles, waiting for each other but destiny is standing between you two. This destiny separated you. So please stop hurting yourselves." Hoorain said while hugging me.

"This is love. Our love. And this is our pain of love. We've to bear it. We've to live with it." I replied and moved back to see her.

"Leave it all. Tell me why you came?" I asked and wiped my tears.

"To invite you personally.  Its my son's birthday party and i want you to come." She said and I looked away.

"I can't." I said and got up from there.

"Why?" She asked coming in front in me stopping me to take another step.

"Just... I'm busy. At hospital." I replied and i saw her narrowing her eyes at me me.

"Stop lying. Tell me the reason." She said and I lost it.

"I can't face his mother. I can't see the pain of losing her son in her eyes. She smiles but her eyes tells the story of her heart. And I'm the reason. The reason of her grief as because of me her son left from here. Not even this city but country. 12 years Hoorain, its a long time and she's waiting for her son like I'm waiting for a reason for us to be united. But i think its not possible." I said and cried. Cried and cried.

"Hey just calm down." Hugging me Hoorain tried to calm me.

"She don't know about you and zain. Just don't worry. And he'll come when fate will call him. Now promise me that you'll come. For Zain. Meet his mother."  She said and i wiped my tears with a nod.

"Okay I'll come but only for a little while." I said and she hugged me again squealing with happiness.

"Done. I'll be waiting." She said and went out while i again walked back to the window to lost myself once again in the memories of my Zain.

Zain's POV.

It was evening. A cold one. Winter in London was enjoyable.  Actually winter in every country was enjoyable as it was my favourite weather. But her presence made it more special.  With her every weather become my favourite and now looking at the sky filled with clouds reminds me of her and my lips smiled thinking about her.

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