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Third person's POV.

She was gone. He was left with her thoughts and this night was going yo be do long.  Sighing he entered his room still thinking about her. Her oain, her wound was also his concern. There was nothing he could think for now. But she was just ruling on his mind with full right. Hassan was noticing him. Taking his night dress out,he didn't notice Hassan there stsnding looking at him but he went to change his clothes. Hassan start thinking something while taking the bowl of ice cream he brought from the kitchen. His eyes captured Zain again who cane out if washroom and now was going yonthe balcony,avoiding Hassan completely.

"Bhai." Taking a spoon full of ice cream.in his mouth, Hassan called him but there was nothing.

No reply nothing.  He was not there mentally. He was just lost in thinking about her who had took his peace of heart. Hassan called him  again but no answer.

"Zoya Api." As Hassan said, Zain turned immediately and looked a the closed door of room and then hus eyes wrnt to Hassan who was wriggling hus eyebrows mischievously with a naughty smile on his lips.

"What?" Asked Zain, comprising himself and turned toward tge balcony side again, closed tge door and start doing the curtains right.

"I was thinkibg something." Said Hassan who leaning toward the headboard of bed still havibg tge ice cream biwl in his lap.

"Don't think. Just sleep." Said Zain,avoided to look at him but he didn't know Hassan well.

Taking tge remote, Hassan tyrned tge television on while taking a glimpse of his brother who just lay down on bed sbd pulled the comforter him.

"Oh my Zoya Api." Hassan said jumped on his place which made zain to sat up right away and looked at him.

"This...This..." Hassan said, pointed toward tge screen of TV where some show was going on but zain had his eyes on him, asking what was that.

"This show is Zoya api's favourite. And specially this hero. I should tell her to watch." Said Hassan while taking his mobile znd texting zoya but Zain grabbed the mobile from his hand.

"How do you know? And you have her number too? How?" Asked zain with a frown.

"Because she told me. And she gave me her number to stay in contact with me as I'm like a littke brother to her. She says she likes me so much and about thus hero who's her favourite.  She likes his hair style znd his beard and...." Hassan started and then kept talking non stop bring the frowned clear to Zain's forehead.

"Shut up. He's not that good." Said Zain and lay down on his side again.

"Are you jealous?" Asked Hassan rakibg a spoon full of ice cream in his mouth, making zain to sat up again on his place.

"Jealous? Why would I? And why are you eating so much ice cream?" Asked Zain, controlling his anger and somewhere,trying to understand his own self.

"You're jealous.  I'm sure of it. But don't be. Here have some ice cream." Putting a spoon full of ice cream said Hassan and then looked at him.

"Why you got alert by just her name? I've called you so many times but you didn't listen but as I took her name you turned immediately as if you were waiting for her." Hassanstarted,showing tge mirror to him but again zain looked,away and lay down straight on the bed.

"There's nothing like that." He
Replied,closing his eyes but her face appearedto his eyes making tgem to open up again.

"I csn sense bhai. You're changing."  Whispering closer to him, Hassan winked at him and was about to eat ice cream but Hassan  took tge bowl and placed ut aside.

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