Chapter 11: I Love Her

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*** Harry's POV ***

•=•=•(2 months later)•=•=•

"Mate, c'mon you have to get up and do something and stop moping around here and forget about her. Maybe she wasn't the one." Louis told me for the millionth time this week. "Louis, I can't forget about her, I fucked up, and I don't know how to get her back. I-I think im in love with her." I said realizing that im in love with the girl that I just met 5 months ago. "Then go to her house and tell her what really happened and maybe she will believe you." I never knew Louis could give me relationship advice, I can't believe those words came out of his mouth. "Well thanks alot, now I understand what you guys think of me." Louis whined. "Aww Boobear im sorry I didn't know I said that out loud, please don't get mad at me." I said. Oops I didn't know I said that out loud, but its not what I think of Louis its just that he is rarely serious, he is mostly jumping around half of the time he's with me and the lads. "Ok, I'll go to her house when we get back to London since were in California, Ok?" I said. "Ok, but you have to go, if you really love her, you will give her space and speak the truth." Louis protested. (Hehe protested....ok back to the story) "ok, I will, but what if she won't listen to me, or what if she doesn't even open the door? What should I do?" Louis just stayed quit, he probably didnt know what to say, I wouldn't either and im the one who caused all of this. "Mate, im sorry but your just gonna have to figure that one out on yourself." And with that he left the room. "Ugh, why does my life have to be so.....ugh, I hate my life!!"

*** Issi's POV ***

(Phone conversation I= Issi

C= Chris)

I: "Hey babe, how was work?"

C: "It was good, but I miss you babe. I want to see you, when are you coming back from visiting your parents?"

I: "Chris, I barely got here 20 minutes ago, and im staying for a month, and plus I want to enjoy California its where I grew up."

C: "ugh, and tell me again why I couldn't come."

I: "cause, Im not ready for you to meet my parents ok! I've told you that already."

C: "don't speak to me like that ok, or you will regret it!"

I: "im sorry, well I have to go my mom wants me to help her with something. Bye"

(End of phone conversation)

I hung up before he said anything else.

So let me catch you up on the last two months of my life. After I read that article about Harry and that blonde bimbo, I forgot about him and moved on with my life, but don't get me wrong I still have feelings for Harry, but they aren't as strong as they where. I didn't want to be stuck in my room all day moping around feeling hopeless for myself, so I found a new job-since I got fired from my last one for not being there for month- and I found Chris, my boyfriend. He isn't like Harry but he helped me forget about him. But Chris is very......abusive. But he isn't all the time, and its mostly my fault, so its not like he does it for fun. The real reason why I didn't want Chris to come with me was because I didn't want him to blow up on me and hit me in front of my family.

"Issi, come help me and your mother with dinner so we can take your niece to the park to play and to get some ice cream." My sister Anne said. "Ok, be right there." And with that I walked downstairs.

"Sophia what did I tell you don't play with your food at the dinner table!" Anne said to her daughter. "Anne, its fine she is just a little kid let her enjoy life." My mother said. "Mwommy, you wowwy to mwuch." Sophia said in her cute baby voice. "I know baby girl, im sorry." The reason why Anne worries to much is because she got raped by Sophia's father and she still has nightmares of him at night. "So after dinner we are going to go to the park then get some ice cream, ok."

*** Harry's POV ***

"Mate, im going to go take a walk at the park, I need to think things through." I said to Zayn. "Ok, but you better not be going to no bar or club." Zayn warned me. "I don't think im ever going to a club or a bar ever in my life. So you don't have to worry." Zayn just nodded and went back to whatever he was doing.

>>>> (At the park) <<<<

I was walking by the swings when I recognized a familiar voice. "Sophia slow down, im not as fast as you!" I recognized that voice!

It's Issi's.

*** Issi's POV ***

" Auntie Issi c'mon I want to go on the swings!" Sophia drug me over to the swings where a tall male figure was standing. His body looked so familiar, but yet again it didnt.

We reached the swings and Sophia wanted me to push her since she couldn't push herself.

After about 10 minutes of swinging she got bored so she ran to the slide. But when I turned around I saw someone I never thought I'd see again.



A/N: DUN DUN DUUUUN!!!!!! cliff hanger!!!!! So this is a long chapter. At least to me it is since it took me all day to write. But anywho....... hope you like it!!!!!! Bi bi :* oh and one more thing please.....





-Marilyn XX

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