Chapter 11

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Josh's Pov

I stood there a couple of seconds for realization to kick in.

"Baby?" I asked her.

I had to make sure I heard correctly.  When it was correct, I felt no feeling in my body what so ever.  I went completely numb.  I dropped my phone and the back of the battery fell right onto the floor.  I sat up on the edge of my bed with my hands in my head.  What the hell did I do wrong?

I got up and went into the bathroom.  I actually considered to fill up the tub and drown myself, but I knew that would not work because I'm too tall to fit in it.  I took a shower though and got dressed.  I grabbed my car keys and drove.  I didn't know where I was going, but I just drove.

Before I knew it, I was at the beach.  Looking at the sea.  I went to the shop to see if Jimmy was there, and soon enough I saw him come out the back, just finishing up a client.  I was already at the bar, 6:00 am, with a double in my hand.

"Dude what are you doing here?" Jimmy asked.

"I needed to get away." I said.

I took the double in one gulp and slammed it on the bar counter.

"Man you look wreckless.  Dave don't give him no more.  He shouldn't be drinking in a condition like this." Jimmy said.

Dave knodded his head and walked away from them.  Jimmy got onto a stool and sat right next to me.

"What's up?" he asked.

I took a deep breath to keep myself calm.  I sat up and told Jimmy everything.  I told him how I met Mari.  How we started dating.  The whole sneeking around.  Her family troubles. My current troubles.  Just everything, I spilled it right onto the table.  Well not literally that is.  Before I knew it, it was almost noon.

"Wow man.  I'm sorry to hear that shit." jimmy said.

"Yeah.  Thanks bro for listening."

"No sweat man. I'm here for you."


JImmy got up off the stool and went around to the bar.  He closed the shop that morning just to talk to me.  If it was anything urgent Dave dealt with it.  He grabbed two glasses for us to have a drink.

"Yes. I need a drink." I said.

"No . I'm not giving you no liquor."

"What!  Why?"

"Cause it's daylight, and you can't drink all your issues away man."

"I was until you stopped me."

Jimmy poored some water and gave it to me.  I looked at it and gave him the face.

"Look man.  I'm not the one to tell you how to handle your problems.  But right now you have a beautiful girl at home crying because she doesn't think you have her back." Jimmy said.

"I have a girlfriend and also a baby at home." I said." How the hell can this happen!?" I yelled at myself.

"Well, things happen.  Now what are you going to do about them?"

"I don't know man.  I just can't deal with this right now."

"You can't, but you have to."


"Because, deep down you know what the right thing to do is."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah.  You are just to scared to do it cause you know it will officially mean things have changed."

Loving my bff's brother was just the beginning of my troubles...Where stories live. Discover now